Endless Supplies Corporation liefert weltweit, bietet Angebote am selben Tag und enthält CPUs, Speichergeräte, Notebooks, Server, Monitore, Büroausstattung, Computer, Motherboards, Grafikkarten, Displays, Wireless Networking, Cases, Unterhaltungselektronik, Software und mehr. E-Procurement-Systeme für B2B, B2G und B2C. Mailen Sie uns heute.
Fast and Furious would have nothing on this. Subscribe to Engadget on YouTube: http://engt.co/subscribe Get More Engadget: • Like us on Facebook: http://ift.tt/1k1iCZT • Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/engadget • Follow us on Instagram: http://ift.tt/1k1iCZV • Add us on Snapchat: http://ift.tt/1UqS18a • Read more: http://www.engadget.com Engadget is the definitive guide to this connected life.
by Engadget via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
Say it or scan it, and the Amazon Dash Wand will add it to your shopping cart. But can it move online grocery shopping to the mainstream? Subscribe to CNET: http://cnet.co/2heRhep Check out our playlists: http://cnet.co/2g8kcf4 Like us on Facebook: http://ift.tt/1930vfU Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/cnet Follow us on Instagram: http://bit.ly/2icCYYm Add us on Snapchat: http://cnet.co/2h4uoK3
by CNET via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
Pittsburg based robotics company RE2 has developed a control system for military robots designed to mimic human motion. Read more: http://ift.tt/2rsUpnu TechCrunch is a leading technology media property, dedicated to obsessively profiling startups, reviewing new Internet products, and breaking tech news. Subscribe to TechCrunch today: http://bit.ly/18J0X2e
by TechCrunch via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
Get an adrenaline rush as you ride along with professional Motocross and Supercross racer, Jeremy Martin, at the Hangtown MX classic in the is year's 2017 Lucas Oil Pro Motocross season opener. Shot, Edited, Stabilized, Augmented and Uploaded all with Garmin VIRB 360 and Garmin’s free editing tool, VIRB Edit. For the best viewing experience, we recommend you watch 360 videos in the YouTube app on a mobile device or tablet. To view interactive 360 YouTube videos on a desktop, you’ll need Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Edge. If it’s worth remembering, it’s worth a VIRB 360. Find out more about the VIRB 360 here: Garmin.com/VIRB *Stabilization only available for videos stitched in camera • 360-DEGREE, 5.7K/30fps Don’t miss a thing. • 4K SPHERICAL STABILIZATION Easily create a smooth, stable video. Stabilization is applied using VIRB® mobile app or VIRB Edit desktop software and is only available for videos stitched in-camera. • 360-DEGREE SPATIAL AUDIO Change your listening perspective, change your experience. • IN-CAMERA STITCHING AT 4K/30fps Ready to share instantly. • G-METRIX™ DATA OVERLAYS Prove how fast, high, and far you went. Augmented reality overlays require mobile or desktop VIRB App before sharing. • CONTROL WITH ONE TOUCH Or use voice control. Voice control available for English (U.S., U.K.) French, Italian, German, Spanish, Swedish, Japanese, and Mandarin Some jurisdictions regulate or prohibit use of this camera device. It is your responsibility to know and comply with applicable laws and rights to privacy in jurisdictions where you plan to use this device.
by Garmin via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
This is a short video showing the steps and options used to create a typical calculation using the new Outdoor LSI Web Lighting Software.
by LSI Industries via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
This is a short video showing the steps and options used to create a typical calculation using the new Indoor LSI Web Lighting Software.
by LSI Industries via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
Die Symbolkraft dieses Anschlags ist kaum zu überschätzen. Um den Frieden zu sichern, muss die Front von nun an unzweideutig gezogen werden. Und zwar nicht mehr zwischen Muslimen und Nichtmuslimen.
by Eva Ladipo via Endless Supplies .De - News
„Das ist nicht die Religion unseres Propheten“: Ein Bericht der Deutschen Welle gerät in die Schlagzeilen arabischer Medien. Er zeigte die Eröffnung einer liberalen Moschee in Berlin. Nun gibt es Morddrohungen.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News
Deutschland ist mit einem Sieg gegen Australien in den Confed Cup gestartet. Das Ergebnis klingt deutlich knapper als der Spielverlauf war. Ein Spieler aus dem Perspektivteam überzeugte nicht.
by Lars Wallrodt via Endless Supplies .De - News
Ein Mann fährt mit einem Lieferwagen in eine Menge Gläubiger vor einer Moschee in London. Umstehende Menschen können den Täter aus dem Fahrzeug zerren – ein Imam reagiert dabei mit großer Weitsicht.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News
Die Psychoanalytikerin Eva Jaeggi weiß (fast) alles über die Liebe. Und erklärt, warum die meisten Singles natürlich nicht beziehungsunfähig sind, wie die Beziehung hält und welche Krisen sie wie übersteht.
by Nicola Erdmann via Endless Supplies .De - News
Megatrends bringen tiefgreifende Veränderungen des eigenen Lebens mit sich. Gerade am Anfang sind sie für Anleger und Unternehmen schwer von Hypes und Euphorie zu unterscheiden.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News
Der Zwergstaat San Marino gibt Ende Juni neue Euro-Münzen aus. Das Design darauf stammt von einem Illustratorenpaar aus Unterfranken. Wie man an so einen Auftrag kommt? Eigentlich ganz einfach.
by Christiane Gläser via Endless Supplies .De - News
Zwar blühen unter Präsident Jacob Zuma Korruption und Vetternwirtschaft. Aber die Zivilgesellschaft ist stärker als gedacht. In den großen Städten hat seine Regierungspartei ANC keine Mehrheit mehr.
by Christian Putsch via Endless Supplies .De - News
SPD-Kanzlerkandidat Martin Schulz hat sein Steuerkonzept vorgestellt. Er will Reiche höher besteuern und im Gegenzug 30 Milliarden Euro zusätzlich in Kitas, Infrastruktur und Digitalisierung investieren.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News
Am Wochenende ist ein Fußgänger bei einem illegalen Autorennen in Mönchengladbach getötet worden. Jetzt hat die Polizei den mutmaßlichen Unfallfahrer und zwei weitere Raser verhaftet. Die Tat wird als Mord gewertet.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News
Nur eine eine Minderheit will, dass Flüchtlingskinder von Anfang an die gleichen Rechte haben wie andere. Die Ablehnung wird größer. Das Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk sieht darin ein Warnsignal.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News
Geschlagen, gebissen, gewürgt – und Sand in den Mund gestopft: Eine 45-Jährige hat ihre elfjährige Tochter mit exorzistischen Ritualen offenbar schwer verletzt. Ein Passant bewahrte das Kind vor dem Tod.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News
Umdenken beim Freiheits- und Einheitsdenkmal in Berlin: Die ursprünglich geplante Wippe wird durch ein zeitgemäßeres Symbol ersetzt, weil die Deutschen so gerne durchdrehen.
by Karl Sack-Reis via Endless Supplies .De - News
Mit ihrer Maßschneiderei beleben Martin Purwin, Boris Radczun und James Whitfield ein altes Handwerk. Jetzt wollen sie die Welt erobern. Wir haben sie in Berlin-Kreuzberg besucht.
by Stephan Knieps via Endless Supplies .De - News
An der Côte d’Azur trifft sich die internationale Elite der Werbeindustrie. Einst belächelt als Party-Event, kommen inzwischen auch wichtige Werbungtreibende auf der Suche nach neuen Wegen zum Konsumenten.
by Britta Poetzsch via Endless Supplies .De - News
Die Innenminster aus Bund und Ländern haben sich in Dresden auf eine Überwachung von Messengerdiensten wie WhatsApp geeinigt: „Man muss die Behörden rechtlich und technisch auf den gleichen Stand bringen“, so de Maizière.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News
2700 Menschen arbeiten in Nordrhein-Westfalen für die kriselnde Fluggesellschaft Air Berlin. Aus der Hauptstadt kommen derweil beruhigende Worte – Partner Etihad habe Unterstützung zugesagt. Vorerst.
by Guido M. Hartmann via Endless Supplies .De - News
In den Städten fehlt Wohnraum, doch auf dem Land werden mehr Häuser gebaut als nötig. Viele Gemeinden weisen immer neues Bauland am Stadtrand aus und fördern damit die Gefahr der Verödung.
by Michael Fabricius via Endless Supplies .De - News
To fight against the spread of terrorist propaganda, YouTube announces it will make some ethically questionable videos harder to find and add warnings, among other changes. Subscribe to CNET: http://cnet.co/2heRhep Check out our playlists: http://cnet.co/2g8kcf4 Like us on Facebook: http://ift.tt/1930vfU Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/cnet Follow us on Instagram: http://bit.ly/2icCYYm Add us on Snapchat: http://cnet.co/2h4uoK3
by CNET via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
One small step for Suzie. One giant leap for your home. With shopping lists that connect to your phone, it’s more than a fridge. It’s the Family Hub. Meet Family Hub: http://smsng.us/FamilyHub
by Samsung USA via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
Forgetting the milk is a thing of the past. With built-in cameras, it’s more than a fridge. It’s the Family Hub. Meet Family Hub: http://smsng.us/FamilyHub
by Samsung USA via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
Big sound for big stars. With streaming music, it’s more than a fridge. It’s the Family Hub. Meet Family Hub: http://smsng.us/FamilyHub
by Samsung USA via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
Cisco Embedded Services routers and switches extend networks to the extreme edge. The IoT brings networking to new device types and locations. Cisco Embedded Network products provide reliable, highly secure operation in harsh environments and extreme temperatures to meet the most demanding applications. Designed for use in transportation, public safety, defense, oil and gas, energy and mining, Cisco Embedded products protect your investment with a platform that adapts to new features, capabilities, capacity, and applications. You can optimize connectivity and enhance your users' experiences, even when bandwidth is limited. Integrates easily with third-party technologies. Learn more: http://ift.tt/2jZ0eqU
by Cisco via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
Twenty-years ago, wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park under the Endangered Species Act successfully restoring a top predator absent for over 70 years. This is an iconic conservation success story given the challenges of coexisting with carnivores and decades long era of misunderstanding and persecution. Joined by similar successes in grizzly bear and cougar population recovery, Yellowstone is as rich in large carnivore diversity and abundance as in any other time in modern history. Through the integration of life history, behavioral, and genetic studies on wolves with other research on Yellowstone’s ecology, our understanding of carnivores and the role they play in ecosystem structure and function is advancing. This seminar covers topics including new insights into the adaptive value of sociality, eco-evolutionary processes, predator-prey and multi-carnivore dynamics, as well as ecosystem and societal impacts of carnivore recovery. By integrating old-school field biology with new cutting edge digital camera, genetic technics, and GPS collars, a greater understanding of wolves and cougars are emerging. With both decreases and increases in large carnivore populations worldwide, humans face an increasing challenge to conserve and coexist with these charismatic, but controversial species. Long-term, detailed studies from Yellowstone offer an unprecedented opportunity for science and conservation in this new era of large carnivore recovery.
by CanonUSA via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
Twenty-years ago, wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park under the Endangered Species Act successfully restoring a top predator absent for over 70 years. This is an iconic conservation success story given the challenges of coexisting with carnivores and decades long era of misunderstanding and persecution. Joined by similar successes in grizzly bear and cougar population recovery, Yellowstone is as rich in large carnivore diversity and abundance as in any other time in modern history. Through the integration of life history, behavioral, and genetic studies on wolves with other research on Yellowstone’s ecology, our understanding of carnivores and the role they play in ecosystem structure and function is advancing. This seminar covers topics including new insights into the adaptive value of sociality, eco-evolutionary processes, predator-prey and multi-carnivore dynamics, as well as ecosystem and societal impacts of carnivore recovery. By integrating old-school field biology with new cutting edge digital camera, genetic technics, and GPS collars, a greater understanding of wolves and cougars are emerging. With both decreases and increases in large carnivore populations worldwide, humans face an increasing challenge to conserve and coexist with these charismatic, but controversial species. Long-term, detailed studies from Yellowstone offer an unprecedented opportunity for science and conservation in this new era of large carnivore recovery.
by CanonUSA via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
Twenty-years ago, wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park under the Endangered Species Act successfully restoring a top predator absent for over 70 years. This is an iconic conservation success story given the challenges of coexisting with carnivores and decades long era of misunderstanding and persecution. Joined by similar successes in grizzly bear and cougar population recovery, Yellowstone is as rich in large carnivore diversity and abundance as in any other time in modern history. Through the integration of life history, behavioral, and genetic studies on wolves with other research on Yellowstone’s ecology, our understanding of carnivores and the role they play in ecosystem structure and function is advancing. This seminar covers topics including new insights into the adaptive value of sociality, eco-evolutionary processes, predator-prey and multi-carnivore dynamics, as well as ecosystem and societal impacts of carnivore recovery. By integrating old-school field biology with new cutting edge digital camera, genetic technics, and GPS collars, a greater understanding of wolves and cougars are emerging. With both decreases and increases in large carnivore populations worldwide, humans face an increasing challenge to conserve and coexist with these charismatic, but controversial species. Long-term, detailed studies from Yellowstone offer an unprecedented opportunity for science and conservation in this new era of large carnivore recovery.
by CanonUSA via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
Twenty-years ago, wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park under the Endangered Species Act successfully restoring a top predator absent for over 70 years. This is an iconic conservation success story given the challenges of coexisting with carnivores and decades long era of misunderstanding and persecution. Joined by similar successes in grizzly bear and cougar population recovery, Yellowstone is as rich in large carnivore diversity and abundance as in any other time in modern history. Through the integration of life history, behavioral, and genetic studies on wolves with other research on Yellowstone’s ecology, our understanding of carnivores and the role they play in ecosystem structure and function is advancing. This seminar covers topics including new insights into the adaptive value of sociality, eco-evolutionary processes, predator-prey and multi-carnivore dynamics, as well as ecosystem and societal impacts of carnivore recovery. By integrating old-school field biology with new cutting edge digital camera, genetic technics, and GPS collars, a greater understanding of wolves and cougars are emerging. With both decreases and increases in large carnivore populations worldwide, humans face an increasing challenge to conserve and coexist with these charismatic, but controversial species. Long-term, detailed studies from Yellowstone offer an unprecedented opportunity for science and conservation in this new era of large carnivore recovery.
by CanonUSA via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
TechWise TV interview with Cisco's Barry Einsig on a high level overview of the connected transportation industry and solutions along with the benefits of IoT. Learn more: http://ift.tt/2rX1UI4
by Cisco via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
The Port of Hamburg is embracing the IoT with an intelligent harbor operation built upon a fiber-optic backbone of consolidated networks and an integrated traffic management system for waterways, roads and rail. This allows the port to manage bridge closures and roadway congestion that typically increase when ships are offloading. The port is a major economic driver for the city and country with more than 260,000 jobs being dependent on it. Containers passing through the port are expected hit 25 million in 2025, up from 8 million in 2010. Total cargo handled is expected to reach 296 million tons in 2025 which up from 121 million tons in 2010. The port is also important for tourism, with about 500,000 cruise passengers passing through each year. See InfoGraphic: http://ift.tt/2rO0nj9 Learn more: http://ift.tt/2sj81W0
by Cisco via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
If storage space is tight on your iPhone, try these tips before deleting all your apps and photos. Subscribe to CNET: http://cnet.co/2heRhep Check out our playlists: http://cnet.co/2g8kcf4 Like us on Facebook: http://ift.tt/1930vfU Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/cnet Follow us on Instagram: http://bit.ly/2icCYYm Add us on Snapchat: http://cnet.co/2h4uoK3
by CNET via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
Network Rail manages millions of passenger journeys throughout the UK every day on an infrastructure of 20,000 miles of track and 18 of the largest rail stations in England, Scotland and Wales. By consolidating proprietary systems onto a single IP network with robust data management capabilities, they have real-time visibility of track conditions, improved monitoring and alarms, resulting in reduced network downtime, lower costs and more proactive maintenance. The NextGen network leverages existing assets and allows delivery of new passenger services while providing a safe and reliable experience. Learn more: http://ift.tt/2rXbOcM
by Cisco via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
Cisco's Country Digital Acceleration Strategy is a long-term partnership with national leadership, industry & academia. By accelerating the national digitization agenda, the country will grow GDP, create new jobs and provide innovation and education across public & private sectors.
by Cisco via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
We break down the blockbuster deal, talk about Jay-Z's title exclusive and catch up on Pokemon Go. Amazon / Whole Foods: http://cnet.co/2spf4uS Jay-Z 4:44: http://cnet.co/2sKVgF8 Pokemon Go: http://cnet.co/2sHum0h Good morning from CNET NY Studios while we record the daily news-bite podcast: The 3:59. Hangout while we cover a multitude of stories from around the tech world and then Roger Cheng & Joan E Solsman will take your questions and comments in the chat. Watch more episodes of 3:59 on Youtube: http://bit.ly/29LVP7F Livestream: http://ift.tt/2sd94Yk Periscope: http://ift.tt/2qU1nTf Subscribe to CNET: http://bit.ly/17qqqCs Watch more CNET videos: http://bit.ly/1BQxrGw Follow CNET on Twitter: http://twitter.com/CNET Follow CNET on Facebook: http://ift.tt/UQQ9wc Follow CNET on Instagram: http://ift.tt/1YieDuO
by CNET via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
KOOV is a robotics and coding educational kit made up of blocks, sensors, motors, actuators, and a companion app that teaches children core concepts about design, coding and robotics. For more info: https://igg.me/at/KOOV
by Sony via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
KOOV is a robotics and coding educational kit made up of blocks, sensors, motors, actuators, and a companion app that teaches children core concepts about design, coding and robotics. For more info: https://igg.me/at/KOOV
by Sony via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
Die USA hatten gerade noch über eine Notstandsleitung mit Russland verhandelt, aber ergebnislos. Dann kam der Einsatz des amerikanischen Kampfjets F/A 18 Hornet, der eine syrische Maschine abschoss. Moskau reagiert.
by Alfred Hackensberger, Tanger via Endless Supplies .De - News
Hunderte Kaukasier stranden im weißrussischen Brest, weil Polen die Grenze faktisch geschlossen hat. Die Situation an der europäischen Ostgrenze ist heikel. Und sie wirkt sich bis nach Deutschland aus.
by Manuel Bewarder, Philip Kuhn via Endless Supplies .De - News
Autonome bekennen sich zu Brandanschlägen auf Bahnanlagen und feiern die Attacke als Sieg gegen das System. Getroffen werden aber normale Zugreisende. Polizei befürchtet vor dem Gipfel in Hamburg weitere Sabotageakte.
by Martin Lutz via Endless Supplies .De - News
Deutschland startet mit dem Spiel gegen Australien in den Confed Cup. Das junge Team mit vielen Perspektivspielern will sich für die WM in einem Jahr beweisen. Die Partie hier im Liveticker mit Echtzeitstatistiken.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News
„Nerven Sie absichtlich?“ In einem WDR-Interview entlarvt Sandra Maischberger mithilfe des Multikulti-Kritikers Heinz Buschkowsky die Taktik der umstrittenen Grünen-Politikerin Claudia Roth.
by Antje Hildebrandt via Endless Supplies .De - News
Hunderttausende Asylverfahren werden in Deutschland gestellt. Und jeder Fall muss einzeln geprüft werden. Doch wer sind diese Menschen, die über das Leben anderer entscheiden müssen?
by Janosch Siepen via Endless Supplies .De - News
Obwohl es den Streaming-Dienst DAZN (sprich: Da Zone) bereits seit 2016 gibt, dürften viele erst kürzlich von ihm erfahren haben: Das ZDF überträgt in der Saison 2018/19 keine Champions League mehr, die Rechte liegen dann bei Pay-TV-Sender Sky und DAZN. Doch was bietet der Dienst eigentlich und für wen lohnt sich das Abo? TECHBOOK beantwortet die wichtigsten Fragen.