Freitag, 18. August 2017

13 Deutsche unter den Opfern in Barcelona

Unter den Opfern des Anschlags in Barcelona befinden sich auch 13 Deutsche. Einige von ihnen kämpfen noch um ihr Leben. Das teilte der Sprecher des Auswärtigen Amts Martin Schäfer mit.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News

NBA-Superstar pfeift auf Einladung von Donald Trump

Im US-Sport wächst der Widerstand gegen den US-Präsidenten. Jetzt rechnet Kevin Durant mit ihm ab, er habe „keinen Respekt“ vor ihm. Es geht um eine alte Tradition - und Trump kann nur verlieren.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News

Die Deutschen sehen die EU plötzlich deutlich positiver

Ein Jahr nach dem Brexit ist die Zustimmung zur EU deutlich gestiegen. Das zeigt eine Umfrage in acht wichtigen europäischen Ländern. Auch die Bewertung der Flüchtlingskrise änderte sich deutlich.
by Franziska Prokopetz via Endless Supplies .De - News

Berlin sitzt auf einer riesigen Wasserblase

Deutschland erlebt in diesem Sommer heftige Überschwemmungen. Wie können Wassermassen so gesteuert werden, dass sie weniger Schaden anrichten? In Berlin wird gerade ein revolutionäres Modell getestet.
by Michael Fabricius, Roland Mischke via Endless Supplies .De - News

Benchmark vs Kalanick Goes Sour | Crunch Report

Reddit is rolling out its own video platform, VR adtech company Immersv raises $10.5 million and Benchmark versus Kalanick goes sour. All this on Crunch Report
by TechCrunch via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

Behind the Scenes of Because Science with Kyle Hill & Lenovo Yoga 720 with Windows 10

Ever wonder what it's like behind the scenes of Because Science? Well, wonder no longer. Join Kyle Hill from The Nerdist as he takes you behind the scenes and shows you how he creates an episode of Because Science using his Lenovo Yoga 720 with Windows 10. Kyle’s latest scientific conundrum? A well known Grimm’s Fairy Tales mystery; can long flowing luscious blonde hair hanging out of a castle tower in fact support the weight of a grown man? Kyle takes us through the step-by-step process of finding an accurate and factual conclusion! He starts the process by using Cortana to search the internet for some information and imagery. This helps him set up his hypothesis, or scientific quandary (You know, the question that needs to be answered.) Then he starts the process of solving the hypothesis, first by using Cortana to help him search for vital information of the tensile strength of hair, etc. He compiles his data using the Sticky Notes App. Next Kyle is able to create an equation and solution to his hypothesis using Windows Ink. Finally, Kyle takes everything he’s learned and begins the production process. The Sticky Notes App makes it easy for Kyle to create a check list and track the progress of each stage of production. After that, it’s all about testing, testing, and more testing, Because Science! From research to execution, the Lenovo Yoga 720 is the Windows touch screen laptop that has everything Kyle needs in his quest for the science behind the story. “Please check us out at the links below:”
by Lenovo via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

Here’s A Giant List Of Solar Eclipse Promotions

On Monday, Aug. 21, people from Oregon to South Carolina will get to experience a rare total solar eclipse, with folks outside this path still experiencing a partial eclipse. And because every notable event must be accompanied by a marketing bonanza, there is no shortage of companies offering everything from eclipse-themed appliance sales to one-day-only donuts.

We’ve rounded up some promotions and freebies that you might find interesting. If you know of other promotions that we missed, please let us know so we can update this post before the event!

Home Appliances

Frigidaire: A “blackout sale” on matte black stainless steel appliances will run from Aug. 17 to Aug. 23. The collection will be at least 30% off at participating retailers, including online.


Krispy Kreme: The hot doughnut chain is celebrating the eclipse by putting a chocolate glaze on its original glazed doughnuts for the first time.

“The Chocolate Glazed Doughnut is a delicious way to experience the solar eclipse — no matter where you are — and we can’t wait for fans to try it,” the company’s chief marketing officer said in a statement, leaving people who live in places with neither Krispy Kreme shops nor a full view of the eclipse bereft.

Pilot/Flying J Travel Centers: Get a free Milky Way candy bar or pack of Eclipse gum (of course!) with any beverage purchase. (You may have to download the chain’s rewards app to get this deal; we’re waiting for clarification.)

Pizza Hut: They don’t have an eclipse special, but did make an instructional video showing how to make a pinhole eclipse viewer out of a pizza box.

Dairy Queen: From Aug. 21 to Sept. 3, you’ll be able to buy one Blizzard and get one for $0.99, which somehow involves the eclipse.


Warby Parker: While most places are out of the special viewing glasses you’ll need to protect your eyes during the eclipse, Warby Parker is giving them away for free at its physical stores. Or, follow these instructions to make your own pinhole projector.


U.S. Postal Service: The USPS is selling super cool eclipse stamps. They’re the first postage stamp in this country that uses thermocromatic ink that changes the image when you touch the stamp. The moon covering the sun disappears.


José Cuervo Tequila: The brand sent along some eclipse-themed cocktail recipes, including the “Total Especial Eclipse.” Here’s how you make it, and you now have two days to locate charcoal lemonade:

2 oz Jose Cuervo Especial
2 oz orange juice
1 tsp grenadine
1/2 oz. charcoal lemonade

Shake tequila and orange juice and pour into a rocks glass over ice. Mix charcoal lemonade and grenadine and slowly pour into the cocktail.

Regional events & parties

The eclipse cuts a swath across the country from the Pacific Northwest to the coastal Southeast, so there’s no way we can include every big eclipse viewing event or post-eclipse party. But there are some handy lists out there.

Travel Oregon has put together this roundup things to do and see in the state on Monday.

• Here’s a massive map of the 100+ events going on in and around St. Louis on the day of the eclipse.

• This page at the Charleston Post & Courier site gathers together some of the best places to celebrate after the eclipse for people visiting the last city in the path of totality.

• And USA Today has its guide to events both in and outside the path of the total eclipse.

Watch in person

By air: Private plane operators and small airlines like Million Air have packages that will take you to a remote airport to view the eclipse for $10,000, according to Bloomberg News. Even private jet companies and commercial carriers like Southwest are giving away viewing glasses to passengers on flights that might get to see the eclipse from their windows.

On the ground: The American Astronomical Society has a handy tool for looking up local events taking place along the path of the eclipse, from astronomy club meetings to community festivals and live streams.

Watch from afar

NASA: If you don’t live somewhere where the moon will completely cover the sun and/or will be stuck at your desk, NASA has you covered: It will be streaming the eclipse from a weather-proof vantage point above the clouds. The space agency expects up to a billion people to watch.

The Weather Channel: Another option for watching the eclipse will be on The Weather Channel, which will be broadcasting live from seven locations across the country.

SolarEdge: If you’re wondering who is seeing the eclispe right now, solar energy systems company SolarEdge is also offering a stream that will show you the path of the eclipse and how it’s affecting solar energy systems.

by Laura Northrup via Consumerist

Huger Tech's electric skateboard impresses

The Huger Tech Racer electric skateboard is one of the best under $1,000. TechCrunch is a leading technology media property, dedicated to obsessively profiling startups, reviewing new Internet products, and breaking tech news. Subscribe to TechCrunch today:
by TechCrunch via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

Nebula Mars is a home cinema in a lunch box

With its built in JBL 10W speakers and rechargeable battery that last up to 3 hours, the Nebula Mars projector is lightweight portable home theater. Subscribe to CNET: Check out our playlists: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram: Add us on Snapchat:
by CNET via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

Schwarzenegger gibt Trump Nachhilfe im Umgang mit Neonazis

Donald Trumps Reaktion auf die rechtsextreme Gewalt in Charlottesville hat auch Arnold Schwarzenegger empört. In einem Video stutzt der Filmstar den US-Präsidenten nun auf das Format eines Wackeldackels zurecht.
by Inga Catharina Thomas via Endless Supplies .De - News

Merkel zu Erdogan – „Verbitten uns jede Art von Einmischung“

Erdogan hat mit seinem gegen Union, SPD und Grüne gerichteten Aufruf zur Bundestagswahl massive Kritik ausgelöst. Jetzt richtet auch Bundeskanzlerin Merkel scharfe Worte gegen den türkischen Präsidenten.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News

Unternehmer Wöhrl will Air Berlin komplett retten

Der Luftfahrtunternehmer plant einen Angriff auf die Lufthansa. Seine Gesellschaft will die Air-Berlin-Gruppe als Ganzes übernehmen. Er kritisiert die Bundesregierung scharf für ihre einseitige Strategie.
by Gerhard Hegmann via Endless Supplies .De - News

Hilferuf aus Freiburger Damenbad nach Saudi-Arabien

Die Betreiber des Damenbads in Freiburg haben genug: Weil junge Musliminnen immer wieder Polizeieinsätze auslösen, hat der Förderverein eine unkonventionelle Idee, um diese Gäste fernzuhalten – und die Saudis spielen die Schlüsselrolle.
by Philip Kuhn via Endless Supplies .De - News

Trumps Chefstratege Bannon verlässt das Weiße Haus

US-Präsident Donald Trumps umstrittener Chefstratege Stephen Bannon verlässt das Weiße Haus. Man habe sich mit ihm geeinigt, dass er heute seinen letzten Tag im Amt habe, bestätigt das Weiße Haus.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News

Endlich! Der „Turm“ bekommt einen Anbau

Vor neun Jahren wurde Uwe Tellkamps DDR-Ende-Epos „Der Turm“ zum deutschen Großbestseller. Seitdem wurde es still um den Dichter. Jetzt kann man lesen, wie es weitergehen könnte in Tellkamps Welt.
by Elmar Krekeler via Endless Supplies .De - News

Stalins Großer Terror beginnt mit Schauprozessen

Am 19. August 1936 beginnt im Moskauer Gewerkschaftshaus der erste von drei großen Schauprozessen. KP-Chef Josef Stalin lässt missliebige Personen öffentlich aburteilen.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News

Frau findet im Garten hochkarätige Karotte

Dieser verschollene Verlobungsring ist auf ungewöhnlichem Wege aus der Erde zurück an die Oberfläche gekehrt: Die Schwiegertochter der Ringbesitzerin zog das Schmuckstück mit einer Karotte aus dem Boden in einem Garten.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News

Ernst Thälmann wird im KZ Buchenwald ermordet

Am 18. August 1944 wird Ernst Thälmann im KZ Buchenwald erschossen. Die Leiche des KPD-Vorsitzenden wird sofort im Krematorium verbrannt. Die Nazis vertuschen die Ermordung ihres Erzfeindes.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News

Augenzeugin schildert die Stunden der Ungewissheit in Barcelona

Franziska Schimke war bei dem Terroranschlag in Barcelona auf der Flaniermeile Las Ramblas. Als der Transporter angerast kam, ist sie mit ihrer Familie in ein Geschäft geflüchtet. Im Interview schildert sie ihre Erlebnisse.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News

Polens Königin bekommt eine neue Krone

Die Nationalbank in Warschau gibt eine Sonderbanknote heraus, die ein Bild der Jungfrau Maria zeigt. Das Bild ist im 14. Jahrhundert nach Polen gekommen – und soll der Legende nach 1717 ein Kloster beschützt haben.
by Frank Stocker via Endless Supplies .De - News

Mann soll Jugendliche zur Prostitution gezwungen haben

Die Hamburger Polizei hat einen Mann festgenommen, der eine Minderjährige unter Drogen gesetzt und dann zur Prostitution gezwungen haben soll. Den entscheidenden Hinweis hat ihr Vater gegeben.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News

Schwarz-grüne Erfolgsstory passt gerade nicht

Hessens Ministerpräsident Volker Bouffier (CDU) und sein Stellvertreter Tarek Al-Wazir haben ein Buch über ihre gemeinsame Regierung geschrieben. Doch nun wird es nicht veröffentlicht. Wer hat einen Rückzieher gemacht?
by Robin Alexander via Endless Supplies .De - News

„Für Thomas Müller wird es eng beim FC Bayern“

Kommt Weltmeister Thomas Müller nach einer schwachen Saison beim FC Bayern wieder auf die Beine? Das werde schwierig, sagt Lothar Matthäus. Und liefert seine stichhaltige Begründung gleich mit.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News

„Besiegen kann der Terrorismus uns nie“

Kanzlerin Merkel hat den Anschlag von Barcelona scharf verurteilt. "Diese mörderischen Anschläge haben uns erneut vor Augen geführt, mit welch vollständiger Menschenverachtung der islamistische Terrorismus vorgeht."
by via Endless Supplies .De - News

Die SPD verlässt die Welt der Fakten

CDU-Außenpolitiker Jürgen Hardt weist die Kritik der SPD-Spitze an Angela Merkels Umgang mit US-Präsident Trump als „lächerlich“ zurück. Es gehe nicht um „Aufrüstung“, sondern um bessere Verteidigung.
by Jürgen Hardt via Endless Supplies .De - News

„Bandbreite der Drogen wird immer größer“

Der Drogenbericht zeige, dass immer mehr durcheinander konsumiert werde, so Marlene Mortler. Stimulanzien seien im Trend, aber: Den größten gesellschaftlichen Schaden richteten Tabak und Alkohol an.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News

Polizei fasst flüchtigen Sexualstraftäter in Brandenburg

Ein Sexualstraftäter aus Oldenburg hatte sich seiner Fußfessel entledigt – und war mit dem Auto auf der Flucht. Die Fahndung lief auf Hochtouren. Nun nahm die Polizei den 49-Jährigen in Nauen fest.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News

Was ist die beste Uhrzeit für eine Klassenarbeit?

Kinder und Jugendliche haben unterschiedliche Schlafrhythmen. Deshalb ist es schwierig, den besten Zeitpunkt für eine Klassenarbeit festzulegen. Chronobiologen machen nun einen Vorschlag.
by Sandra Trauner via Endless Supplies .De - News

So gewinnen Unternehmen den Kampf um die klügsten Köpfe

Junge Talente suchen innovative Arbeitgeber. Doch Innovationsfähigkeit ist mehr als die Summe der Ausgaben in Forschung und Entwicklung. Firmen müssen ihren Mitarbeitern vor allem drei Dinge bieten.
by Günter Gressler via Endless Supplies .De - News

Bring Your Own Cup To 7-Eleven This Weekend, Fill It With Slurpee For $1.50

Grab your dog’s huge water bowl or your favorite drinking boot: It’s time for Bring Your Own Cup day at 7-Eleven.

Today and tomorrow, anyone visiting a 7-Eleven between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. can fill a vessel of their own choosing with Slurpee and pay just $1.50.

Same as last year, there are a few ground rules that keep you from filling an inflatable pool or a giant trash bag:

• All cups must be able to fit upright through a 10-inch hole (stores have a cutout to measure this).

• The vessel must be food-safe and water tight.

• Limit is one cup per person.

by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

InFocus Projection Mapping by Process Artifact

Projection mapping by Andrew Smith of Process Artifact using 2 InFocus IN5544 projectors at the Breckenridge Creative Arts WAVE festival
by InFocusCorp via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

ConX Cloud

ConX Cloud - Cloud based video collaboration on virtually any device
by InFocusCorp via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

Win TWO GeForce GTX 1080 Ti cards - Our Gamescom Giveaway!

To enter our Gamescom Giveaway, head over to the Official NVIDIA GeForce Channel and watch our Gamescom coverage in August and September. Subscribe, comment on our Gamescom videos, and you could win TWO 10-series cards when we draw the winning names! Subscribe to GeForce here, and comment on our Gamescom coverage!
by NVIDIA via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

Apple takes on Netflix, HBO, Amazon with $1B budget (Apple Byte Extra Crunchy, Ep. 96)

Apple gets serious about original content. The Apple Watch will have LTE but no direct phone calling. McDonald's uses an iPhone 8 mock-up in a promotional email. Subscribe to CNET: Check out our playlists: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram: Add us on Snapchat:
by CNET via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

3 ways to reuse your old tablet

Do you have an old tablet lying around your house? Repurpose it as a remote, a second screen or a digital photo frame. Subscribe to CNET: Check out our playlists: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram: Add us on Snapchat:
by CNET via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

Arbe Robotics: An Update On Tel Aviv's 2016 Pitch Off Winner

Ingrid London catches up with Arbe Robotics CEO Kobi Marenko to chat about the company's pivot from autonomous drones to autonomous cars.
by TechCrunch via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

Android Tips 📱Shooting Video on Android 📺 DIY in 5 Ep 65

Here are some tips and tricks for creating awesome YouTube videos using just your Android phone. Remember, it’s still a phone, so just swipe down from the top to get your settings panel and click on the airplane icon to prevent annoying texts and calls from coming in. When filming for YouTube make sure your camera’s horizontal. Invest in a 3-axis gimbal for stead shots or just use a tripod is for you. If you’re shooting outside during the day, sunlight should be more than enough, but if you’re indoors you might need a lighting kit. Check out our livestream tips here for more details on lighting: For audio, it’s best if you can use an external mic since they provide much cleaner audio. One of the problems with Android phones is that not all the stock camera apps will recognize your external microphone. If you have a phone that doesn’t recognize the microphone then you’ll want to use a 3rd party video app like Open Camera Once installed, you can go into settings and change your audio source to external mics. If you think you’re going to have issues with memory space when you’re shooting your video, then check out this video to help you pick the best microSD card: Subscribe to Kingston:
by Kingston Technology via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

How to spot fake eclipse glasses

Don't be fooled and fry your eyes. Here are some ways to tell if your shades are trustworthy. Subscribe to CNET: Check out our playlists: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram: Add us on Snapchat:
by CNET via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

Facebook Cracking Down On Video Clickbait In The Newsfeed

If you’ve ever clicked on what looks like an interesting video promising “17 Ways You’re Eating Cheese Wrong,” only to find yourself on a spammy website that has nothing to do with cheese, you know how frustrating such clickbait can be. Facebook is now introducing new updates aimed at keeping those deceptive posts out of your news feed.

There are two kinds of video clickbait Facebook is going after: Stories that feature either fake video play buttons embedded in their imagery, or videos that only play a static image.

“People want to see accurate information on Facebook, and so do we,” Facebook engineers Baraa Hamodi, Zahir Bokhari, and Yun Zhang note in a blog post.

To that end, the social media network will begin demoting stories that feature feature fake video play buttons and static images disguised as videos in news feeds.

“Authentic communication is one of our core News Feed values, and we know our community values it,” the company says.

And if you’ve got a page that relies on these “intentionally deceptive practices,” Facebook notes that you “should expect the distribution of those clickbait stories to markedly decrease.”

by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

Atari Claims Nestlé Ripped Off Classic Video Game For Kit Kat Commercial

A 2016 ad for Nestlé’s Kit Kat bars includes a video game that looks an awful lot like Breakout, the classic Atari video game co-created by Apple’s Steve Wozniak. Problem is, Atari says Nestlé didn’t get permission to make this Kit Kat-themed Breakout clone.

In a lawsuit [PDF] filed in San Francisco on Thursday, Atari claims that ads Nestlé aired in the United Kingdom constitute a “blatant invasion and misappropriation of its intellectual property rights” related to the game, which was released more than 40 years ago.

Give me a Breakout

In an ad called “Kit-Kat: Breakout”, people of all ages, sexes, and races come together to play a video game that involves moving paddles back and forth to bounce balls against bricks made out of Kit Kat bites. It’s all set against a beeping, hooping video game soundtrack.

“Share your break, with new Kit Kat bites,” the voiceover says. “Whoever you are, however you break— have a break, have a Kit Kat.”

Atari’s lawsuit also notes a Nestlé ad campaign on Twitter and Facebook that invited people to “Get your game on Breakout Breakers.”

Atari is displeased

In 1975, Atari was looking to follow up on its “groundbreaking” hit game, Pong, Atari’s lawsuit explains. “The new simple, addictive game was also a hit, and helped propel Atari to its long-held spot on top of the video game industry.”

The original game spawned multiple sequels, like Super Breakout and Breakout 2000, and has been ported to just about every gaming console at some point. There are many knockoffs of the game available, but Atari attempts to keep the Breakout brand alive with a version that’s free to play online:

“Forty years later Nestlé decided that it would, without Atari’s authorization, leverage Breakout and the special place it holds among nostalgic Baby Boomers, Generation X, and even today’s Millennial and post-Millennial ‘gamers’ in order to maximize the reach of worldwide, multi-platform advertisements for Nestlé Kit Kat bars,” the complaint alleges.

Just using the term “Breakout” in an advertising context “is the plainest invasion and infringement of Atari’s trademark rights,” the lawsuit claims.

This alleged infringement could eliminate Atari’s licensing opportunity “across a wide range of products and sectors,” the complaint alleges, because “any potential Atari licensee will have to consider both Atari’s past and continuing involuntary association with Nestlé when determining whether to license Breakout, or hundreds of other Atari games.”

Atari claims that Nestlé’s conduct was “willful,” and “obviously designed to leverage the decades of goodwill Atari and Breakout have garnered across multiple generations.”

The ads were “specifically designed to piggyback on the scope of the public’s familiarity with Atari and Breakout, given that millions of consumers, from the youngest gamers to aging Baby Boomers, have been exposed to the game,” the complaint alleges. “The infringement was not hidden, fleeting, or innocuous – Breakout is the central player, and binding thread, across all of the infringing ads.”

Nestlé responds

In a statement, Nestlé notes that the campaign was a UK TV advertisement that ran in 2016.

“The ad no longer runs and we have no current plans to re-run it,” the company said. “We are aware of the lawsuit in the U.S. and will defend ourselves strongly against these allegations.”

by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

Chuck E. Cheese’s Testing Restaurants With No Animatronics

Children today: They still love video games, pizza, and music, but they aren’t as into animatronic animal bands as generations past. That’s why some locations will experiment with taking the robots out and replacing them with humans in animal costumes. Don’t worry, though: Drunken brawls among adult guests are sure to continue.

Dancing with the Mouse

Chuck E. Cheese’s is introducing revamped restaurants that have TV screens, open kitchens, large-format video games, and dance floors, but no stage that features animatronic animals performing music. That’s been a fixture of the restaurant since the beginning, but they just don’t hold kids’ attention like they used to.

“The kids stopped looking at the animatronics years and years ago, and they would wait for the live Chuck E. to come out,” the company’s chief executive, Tom Leverton, told CBS.

Yes, someone dresses up in a mouse costume and dances with children, and kids raised on hyper-realistic animation and video games find that more appealing than the jerky movements of the aging animatronic figures.

The company plans to renovate four restaurants in the San Antonio, TX, area to the more modern look and format, then convert three others in the Kansas City, MO, area as well. Depending on how this test goes, other restaurants will be converted, too.

Leverton, the company’s Big Cheese, predicted in his interview with CBS that the new format will go over well with young children, and they’ll be removing the robo-critters from restaurants in the future. There are 500 restaurants nationwide.

Atari and Rick the Rat

Technically, this brings the chain and the Chuck E. Cheese character back to its roots. The Chuck character began as a costumed mascot for Atari. Yep, the video game company. Co-founder Nolan Bushnell claims that he ordered a coyote costume and received a mouse/rat costume instead, but went along with it.

The brand began as part of Atari, with the goal of making video games more mainstream and acceptable for families to play. Bushnell bought the pizza restaurant and its intellectual property from Warner, the company that purchased Atari, and developed it as a standalone company.

The animatronic shows were meant to entertain adults when the chain first started. They would watch the 8-minute show while waiting for pizza, and banter between characters edged into PG territory. Instead, the characters became entertainment for the whole family.

(via A.V. Club)

by Laura Northrup via Consumerist

Servers Rock Presents: Intel® Drone Racing – A Training for the Intel® Xeon® Platform | Intel

On your mark, get set, fly! Get a thrilling feel for the future with Intel® Drone Racing, an all-new, game-based training experience for Intel® Technology Providers. Compete against your colleagues for the top racing spot as you learn about the key Intel® solutions driving innovation today. After you complete each of the eight tracks, pass the quiz to earn training credits and enter to win fantastic prizes. Intel® Drone Racing begins July 25, 2017. Start flying at About Intel: Intel, the world leader in silicon innovation, develops technologies, products and initiatives to continually advance how people work and live. Founded in 1968 to build semiconductor memory products, Intel introduced the world's first microprocessor in 1971. This decade, our mission is to create and extend computing technology to connect and enrich the lives of every person on earth. Connect with Intel: Visit Intel WEBSITE: Like Intel on FACEBOOK: Follow Intel on TWITTER: Follow Intel on INSTAGRAM: Visit iQ: Servers Rock Presents: Intel® Drone Racing – A Training for the Intel® Xeon® Platform | Intel
by Intel via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

Lawmakers Seek Investigation Into Alleged Attack On FCC Commenting System

When the FCC’s new leadership officially began the process of dismantling net neutrality rules, it didn’t come as much of a surprise when an overwhelming amount of traffic crashed the Commission’s public commenting system. After all, it happened a few years ago when these rules were being written. What did surprise people was the FCC’s claim — made without providing any additional information — that the system failure was not the result of too many people trying to comment, but a malicious attack. The FCC has never fully explained how it reached that conclusion, and now some lawmakers want to know why.

The system is down

In May, the second net neutrality fight, much like the first back in 2014, got a swift kick in the pants from a segment on John Oliver’s show Last Week Tonight.

The FCC’s updated, but still somewhat fragile, online commenting system was overwhelmed with demand in the hours immediately following the first airing of Oliver’s story, and was temporarily inaccessible for millions. Most assumed that it was simply overloaded due to high demand and too many simultaneous requests. The Commission, however, said that the demand was not simply from millions wanting to have a say, but a deliberate attack designed to take the system down.

David Bray, the FCC’s Chief Information Officer at the time (he has since left), said in a statement that Sunday evening right after Oliver’s show, “the FCC was subject to multiple distributed denial-of-service attacks (DDoS).”

“These were deliberate attempts by external actors to bombard the FCC’s comment system with a high amount of traffic to our commercial cloud host,” Bray added. “These actors were not attempting to file comments themselves; rather they made it difficult for legitimate commenters to access and file with the FCC.”

But where’s the proof?

If the timing of the claim seems a little too “convenient” to you, you’re not the only one.

The day after the FCC cried foul, a pair of Senators, Ron Wyden (OR) and Brian Schatz (HI), sent a letter to FCC Chair Ajit Pai asking for more information about this DDOS attack.

If it really was an attack against a U.S. federal agency by external actors, Wyden and Schatz pointed out, then that constitutes a singificant threat.

So the Senators asked Pai a series of questions about the attack: Approximately how many devices were involved? Were people actually blocked from commenting? How many simultaneous visitors can the FCC’s comment portal actually handle? Who was behind it?

Pai was given until June 8 to respond. He made it by the deadline, but the response [PDF] was underwhelming.

The FCC said it classified the “disruption” as “a non-traditional DDoS attack.” Some cloud-based bot entity went specifically for the comment filing system, the Commission said, and as it was making more than 160 requests per second it overwhelmed the API.

But the Commission also said that after consulting with the FBI, the attack didn’t seem major enough to bother pursuing — and the rest of its answers weren’t exactly deeply detailed.

So Schatz, along with New Jersey Representative Frank Pallone, are asking the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to investigate the FCC’s claims [PDF].

“While the FCC and FBI have responded to Congressional inquiries into these attacks,” Pallone and Schatz write, “they have not released any records or documentation that would allow for confirmation that an attack occureed, that it was effectively dealt with, and that the FCC has begun to institute measures to thwart future attacks and ensure the security of its systems.”

The letter asks the GAO to find out how the FCC determined a cyberattack took place; what evidence the FCC used to make that determination; and what processes the Commission has in place to “prevent or mitigate” another attack just like the supposed May 8 event.

Not the first time

As we mentioned, this was the second time John Oliver got involved in the net neutrality fray. The first time, in 2014, his memorable segment (in which he called then-chair Tom Wheeler a dingo, among other things) also led to the comment system crashing in June of that year.

A few weeks later, as the comment deadline loomed, the system once again got overwhelmed with traffic, leading the Commission to extend the filing deadline by three days in order to accomodate everyone.

These both just seemed like high-traffic events at the time: A deadline is looming, and everyone suddenly wants to get their last word in at once. The proceeding received a then-record 4 million comments, an extremely high volume for the creaky old system to handle. Makes sense.

But as Gizmodo notes, Bray also claimed at the time that the FCC suffered a comment system outage due to a hack — even though no evidence of a malicious attack ever existed.

Multiple sources at the FCC told Gizmodo that no evidence ever existed that a cyberattack occured in 2014, even though they looked hard to find any.

Gizmodo, meanwhile, filed Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests with the FCC seeking any document that could possibly be related to a cyberattack in May, 2017.

The result was a total of 16 pages of mostly-redacted emails, and a statement from the Commission that it sreal-time observations of the disruption “did not result in written documentation.” The FCC declined to release a further 209 pages of documentation, Gizmodo reported.

In response to Gizmodo’s reporting, the FCC issued a press release blasting “inaccurate media reports;” Gizmodo, in turn, countered with a full rejoinder under the headline, “The FCC is full of s**t.”

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