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Montag, 21. August 2017
Erdbeben auf italienischer Urlaubsinsel Ischia
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Google Pays Apple Lots of $$$ for Search | Crunch Report
Google pays Apple lots of money for search, Uber's next CEO could possibly be Jeff Immelt, Volkswagen electric Microbus is going on sale in 2022 and the Tesla Model X beat a Lambo in a drag race. All this on Crunch Report.
by TechCrunch via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
Verizon Suspends Customer’s Service On Her 84th Birthday
It might be hard to remember, but before Facebook existed, people would call each other on the phone to wish them a happy birthday. A woman who lives near Boston and was turning 84 waited for friends and family to call her, but the calls never came.
Verizon turned off the woman’s phone due to non-payment, reports the Boston Globe, despite rules that protect elderly people from having that happen.
The shutoff wasn’t due to a lack of funds on her part, or because she forgot to pay her bill. She was in the middle of a dispute with Verizon and refused to pay the bill until the telecom fixed problems with her line, like calls that went straight to voice mail and weird noises on the line.
On her birthday, she only learned that her phone was turned off and not just malfunctioning as usual because a relative came over and told her so.
The Elder Protection Form
Normally, people over 65 and living alone have special protection from having their phone service turned off. In Massachusetts, both sides submit their side of what happened to the Department of Telecommunications and Cable before the line is turned off.
This protection isn’t automatic. You have to sign up for it after turning 65, using a form that’s mailed along with phone bills once every year. (Again, the system may be different in your state: This is how it works in Massachusetts.) The 84-year-old whose line was cut off didn’t know this, and most other people probably don’t.
No one at Verizon knows how old you are
That became relevant because even when she mentioned her age and the importance of the LifeLine device that she carries and that uses her home phone line, this didn’t raise any flags to the phone company.
No matter how many complaint letters about the technical problems she began by mentioning her age and that she had been a customer of Verizon and its predecessor companies for more than 50 years, Verizon didn’t “know” that she was over 65 until she filed that form.
What she didn’t know is that she wasn’t completely stuck in an emergency. “The service was put into suspension, meaning the customer could still dial out to 911, or to Verizon to discuss the account,” Verizon said in a statement, taking issue with the Globe’s consumer affairs columnist saying that the service was disconnected.
In a happy ending for the 84-year-old woman near Boston, Verizon ultimately ultimately resolved the technical problem and granted her a bill credit once the line was turned back on.
You can still take home two useful lessons from this story: Don’t ignore shutoff notices even if you’re in a standoff with your phone company, and be sure that anyone you care about who is over 65 and lives alone files this form or a similar one.
Here’s the document [PDF] for Massachusetts residents who use Verizon that the Boston Globe distributed. For everyone else, contact your or your loved one’s phone carrier and request an “elder protection form.”
by Laura Northrup via Consumerist
Feds Investigating Wells Fargo Sudden Account Closures
Last year, federal regulators fined Wells Fargo $185 million for its fake account fiasco in which employees were found to have opened more than two million accounts without customers’ authorization. Now, the bank says it’s under investigation for wrongly closing some accounts.
Wells Fargo informed investors in an Aug. 4 Securities and Exchange Commission filing [PDF] that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has opened an investigation into whether the bank harmed consumers by freezing or closing accounts.
The company notes in the filing that it took action on the accounts after detecting suspected fraudulent activity by third parties or account holders.
“The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has commenced an investigation into whether customers were unduly harmed by the Company’s procedures regarding the freezing (and, in many cases, closing) of consumer deposit accounts after the Company detected suspected fraudulent activity (by third parties or account holders) that affected those accounts,” the filing reads.
A rep for Wells Fargo tells Reuters that the company continues to work with the regulator.
“As always, our goal is to protect our customers and the bank from fraud, and we want to do so in ways that minimize the risk and impact on our customers,” the rep said.
The Complaints
A review of the CFPB’s consumer complaint database shows several customers raising concerns about the way in which the bank closed their accounts.
In one case, a customer says that after 23 years banking with the company he recevied a letter advising him that after reviewing their relationship, the bank had decided to close the account.
“This unilateral and arbitrary decision has harmed me and turned my life upside down,” the man wrote. “I’ve had to stop automatic payments, deposits, etc.”
Another Wells Fargo customer tells the CFPB that the bank closed their account without warning or providing an explanation.
To make matters worse, the customer says that Wells Fargo did not return the $500 left in the count promptly. Instead, the funds were frozen for nearly two weeks.
In March, a Florida customer reported that Wells Fargo had closed his account — one that he was persuaded to open by a teller and never used — after someone had fraudulently used the account.
The customer said he only learned of the issue when he went to deposit a check in the account. A manager at the local branch said the account was closed because it had been overdrawn and that the man would receive a letter in the mail.
When the letter arrived, it showed that someone had cashed checks at the bank using a similar name to this customers, but instead of being from Florida, the check writer was from Alabama.
“Wells Fargo has completely stone-walled me, my name has been added to the fraud warning site, I can’t open any bank accounts, it has damaged my reputation and has caused me much grief,” the customer wrote.
by Ashlee Kieler via Consumerist
The New 8th Generation Intel® Core™ Processor Is Here | Intel
The 8th Generation Intel Core Processor is the most powerful processor designed for what’s coming next. Experience exceptional performance, immersive entertainment and simple convenience. Editing photos or creating a slideshow? That’s up to 48 percent faster on 8th Generation vs. devices powered by the processor we released last year. Now imagine that compared to a 5-year-old device. Editing video footage is now up to 14.7x faster, so rendering what used to take 45 minutes on a 5-year-old PC, now takes three minutes. Learn more: About Intel: Intel, the world leader in silicon innovation, develops technologies, products and initiatives to continually advance how people work and live. Founded in 1968 to build semiconductor memory products, Intel introduced the world's first microprocessor in 1971. This decade, our mission is to create and extend computing technology to connect and enrich the lives of every person on earth. Connect with Intel: Visit Intel WEBSITE: Like Intel on FACEBOOK: Follow Intel on TWITTER: Follow Intel on INSTAGRAM: Visit iQ: The New 8th Generation Intel® Core™ Processor Is Here | Intel
by Intel via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
NASA jets are chasing the solar eclipse | Engadget Today
The best seat in the jet. While you're stuck on Earth during today's solar eclipse, NASA jets will be performing a tricky science experiment on the Sun and its closest companion, Mercury. A pair of them will take off this morning from Houston's Johnson Space Center and follow the path of of the eclipse, allowing them to see "totality" for three and half minutes, nearly a minute longer than Earth observers. Equipped with a pair of infrared telescopes each, they'll examine the sun's corona and Mercury's chemical signatures to find out what lies below its surface. Subscribe to Engadget on YouTube: Get More Engadget: • Like us on Facebook: • Follow us on Twitter: • Follow us on Instagram: • Add us on Snapchat: • Read more: Engadget is the definitive guide to this connected life.
by Engadget via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
Ultra A1 microSD | Official Product Overview
SanDisk Ultra® microSDXC™ and microSDHC™ cards are fast for better pictures, app performance, and Full HD video. Ideal for Android™ smartphones and tablets, these A1-rated cards load apps faster for a better smartphone experience. Learn more: Subscribe to SanDisk on YouTube: Follow SanDisk on Twitter: Like SanDisk on Facebook: Follow SanDisk on Instagram: Disclaimer: Full HD (1920x1080) video support may vary based upon host device, file attributes, and other factors. See: 2 Results may vary based on host device, app type and other factors
by SanDisk via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
Report: FBI Asks Private Sector Companies To Stop Using Kaspersky Products
Obviously, it’s best practice to use antivirus and malware protection on anything you have that can connect to a network — and that goes double for businesses. But a new report says that the FBI is now asking several companies in the private sector to phase out use of products from Kaspersky Labs over concerns about the founder’s Russian background and ties.
The Feds already stopped
The company, as we explained in July, has been offering its generally well-regarded antivirus and security products in the U.S. for nearly 20 years. But “Russian interference” is one of the big buzzwords of 2017, and the company’s founder and products have recently come under scrutiny as a result.
Since 2015, several reports have surfaced that founder Eugene Kaspersky has ties to Russian military intelligence. Any potential vulnerabilities stemming from those ties were by and large downplayed or ignored… until this year.
The Trump administration removed Kaspersky Lab from the list of approved vendors for government contracts back in July. Federal agencies, as well as state and local government agencies, considered if or how to phase out their own usage.
Is the private sector next?
Those concerns are now being pushed to the private sector, it seems.
CyberScoop reports that FBI officials have been meeting with private-sector companies to brief them on the potential threat of continuing to use Kaspersky Labs software.
Officials “familiar with the matter” tell CyberScoop that the FBI’s goal is to get U.S. companies to stop using Kaspersky tools as soon as possible, or at least to stop buying or using new ones in the future.
The FBI started with companies in the energy sector earlier this year, sources tell CyberScoop, and have moved on to “large U.S. tech companies” that have existing partnerships or business arrangements with Kaspersky.
Results have reportedly been mixed, with companies in the energy sector seeming more willing to act on the push than the “traditional tech giants.”
“If these briefings are actually occurring, it’s extremely disappointing that a government agency would take such actions against a law-abiding and ethical company like Kaspersky Lab,” a spokesperson for the company told CyberScoop. “The only conclusion seems to be that Kaspersky Lab, a private company, is caught in the middle of a geopolitical fight, and it’s being treated unfairly, even though the company has never helped, nor will help, any government in the world with its cyber-espionage or offensive cyber efforts.”
by Kate Cox via Consumerist
Jury Awards Woman $417M In Johnson & Johnson Talcum Powder Lawsuit
Three months after a Missouri jury ordered Johnson & Johnson to pay a record-setting $110.5 million to a Virginia woman who was diagnosed with ovarian cancer linked to the company’s talcum-based products, another jury in California has dwarfed that judgment, handing down a $417 million verdict in a similar suit.
Monday’s ruling is the first in California related to allegations that Johnson & Johnson ignored a possible link between cancer and its talcum-based products.
Reuters reports that the verdict, reached after two days of deliberation, marks the largest against Johnson & Johnson.
The case involves a California woman who was diagnosed with terminal ovarian cancer in 2007. According to lawyers for the woman, she began using Johnson & Johnson’s talcum-powder products when she was 11.
The jury found that the company failed to warn the woman about the increased risk of ovarian cancer caused by talcum-based powders, Reuters reports.
A spokesperson for Johnson & Johnson confirmed the verdict to Reuters, noting that it plans to appeal the decision.
Other Cases
Johnson & Johnson has faced several lawsuits related to its talcum-based products and a possible link to cancer.
Back in May, a Missouri jury ordered Johnson & Johnson to pay $110.5 million to a Virginia woman who was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2012. According to the lawsuit, the woman claimed her illness was caused by more than 40 years of using Johnson & Johnson’s talcum powder products, including baby powder.
The woman’s lawyers cited much of the same research used in previous cases, including a 2016 verdict that awarded $72 million to the family of a woman who died from ovarian cancer.
In those studies, women who used the products had a greater risk of being diagnosed with cancer than a control group that did not use the products.
Studies going back to 1971 have suggested this link exists. In fact, at least one lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson cites a 1982 study on the issue that found a 92% increased risk in ovarian cancer with women who used talc-based products around their genitals. The researcher behind that study directly advised a J&J doctor to place a warning label on their products.
Johnson & Johnson and other companies have continued to defend the use of talcum powder in feminine hygiene products; however, the condom industry halted the mineral’s use in the mid-1990s amid the growing concerns about its link to ovarian cancer risk.
by Ashlee Kieler via Consumerist
British Airways Passenger Claims He Had To Sit In Urine-Soaked Seat For 11 Hours
There are uncomfortable flying situations, and then there’s sitting in a urine-soaked seat for 11 hours.
A British Airways passenger who paid more than $1,500 for a flight from London to Cape Town, South Africa tells The Daily Mirror that he spotted a wet patch on his seat upon boarding. Initially, he assumed it was an innocent water stain, but the smell was so distinct it could only have been urine,” he recalls.
He claims he told a flight attendant, who smelled the wet patch, agreed that “it was wee,” and apologized. After that, however, he said she brought him some wet wipes and told him to clean it up himself.
When he asked to be moved from his economy seat to business class he says the flight attendant told him she’d see what she could do — but he remained stuck in his seat.
“So I was left to sit in a urine-soaked seat for over 11 hours,” he said. “It was awful. By the end of the flight, I could feel it seeping into my jeans.”
He says that when he complained to the airline about the urine-soaked seat, they offered him 5,000 frequent flyer points, and eventually added a flight voucher worth about $700 giving him a flight voucher worth about $560, or a free upgrade on his next flight to Cape Town.
“I just do not think that is a good enough compensation for sitting in someone else’s wee for over 11 hours,” he noted.
In a statement, British Airways said it was “very concerned” over the incident, and that the company has been in touch with the passenger to apologize and “make amends.”
“The cleanliness of our aircraft is of the utmost importance to us and our planes are cleaned thoroughly after every flight,” the airline said. “We also perform frequent spot checks to make sure our cleaners are maintaining our high standards.”
More gross nightmares
Unfortunately, we’ve heard similarly gross tales in the past: In Feb. 2016, an American Airlines passenger said his first-class seat was soaked with urine.
And back in 2015, United Airlines had to apologize to a couple who found a full barf back in a seat-back pocket.
by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist
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