Freitag, 21. Juli 2017

Reaktionen zum Tod von Linkin-Park-Sänger

„Linkin Park“-Frontmann Chester Bennington hat sich in seinem Haus bei Los Angeles das Leben genommen. Auf Twitter und Facebook äußern sich Freunde und Fans zum Tod des Sängers.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News

„Die Abstimmung im Team passt noch nicht“

Nach der Pleite im Testspiel gegen Holstein Kiel wartet auf den HSV in der Vorbereitung noch viel Arbeit. Auch die Transferbemühungen stocken. Sportchef Todt äußerte sich jedoch zur Zukunft von Aaron Hunt.
by Kai Behrmann via Endless Supplies .De - News

Mutter verschleppt vier Kinder nach Syrien - drei Jahre Haft

Sie soll mit ihren kleinen Kindern nach Syrien gereist sein, um sich dort dem IS anzuschließen. Nun muss die Frau ins Gefängnis. Ein möglicher Terrorbezug spielt in dem Nürnberger Prozess kaum keine Rolle – und wird wohl nie aufgeklärt.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News

Go Update Your iPhone Or iPad Right Now

If you use WiFi on your iPhone or iPad, and you probably do, you’ll want to head to the Updates section as soon as you can to update its software before you start your weekend. There are a number of security patches, the most important of which fixes a flaw in the WiFi chip that can let someone standing near you execute code on your phone.

Since most of us prefer not to have our phones taken over by hackers, it’s a good idea to install Apple’s latest security update as soon as you’re on a fast, reliable, and private WiFi connection. If you won’t be home for a while, a stopgap fix would be to turn off your device’s WiFi when you’re out in public.

Updating the software, if you’ve never done it, isn’t scary. (Make sure to back your phone or tablet up to a computer or to iCloud before doing this.)

• Go to the “Settings” app on your phone’s home screen, and tap on that.

• Scroll down to “General,” and tap on that.

• Finally, tap on the “Software Update” option.

Google patched the same flaw, which the discoverer calls Broadpwn, for affected Android devices at the beginning of July, so Android users can feel suitably smug.

by Laura Northrup via Consumerist

Winkel Colorburst Toys Recalled Because They May Crumble, Seem Edible To Babies

The Winkel Colorburst is an adorable and colorful teething toy. “Colorful loops made from soft, pliable plastic are easy to grasp and hold,” its manufacturer, Manhattan Toy, says on its website. Yet on some of the colorbursts, the plastic loops may become brittle and break, and the infant may try to eat these pieces, because that’s how infants roll.

There were around 14,400 of the toys sold in the United States and 1,000 in Canada, and they’ve all been recalled. The company asks that customers stop using the toys immediately and either return them to the store where they were purchased, or call Manhattan Toy at 800-541-1345. They retail for around $15, and owners will receive a refund.

Lot codes that have been recalled are:

206880 DH
206880 EH
206880 HH
206871 EH

You can find the lot code on the stripey cube in the middle of the toy, and also on the hang tag and the box if it hasn’t been opened yet.

by Laura Northrup via Consumerist

BlueLine Grid and Cisco Leverage Spark to Enhance Mobile Collaboration

Matt Melton, Director of Sales for BlueLine Grid, talks about his solutions integration with Spark and how its revolutionizing location-based services.
by Cisco via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

You Still Can’t Fire Up An E-Cigarette On Your Flight

If you were hoping to fire up that electronic cigarette on your next flight, you better think again: The use of e-cigarettes is still prohibited on commercial flights, an appeals court ruled Friday. 

A Washington, D.C. appeals court ruled [PDF] 2-1 to uphold the Department of Transportation’s 2016 rule banning the use of electronic cigarettes on all commercial and charter flights to, from, or within the United States.

The Ban

The DOT finalized rules that prohibit e-cigarette use on flights in March 2016. While the agency believed that its previous regulations banning smoking on flights were sufficiently broad to include e-cigarettes, it revised the rules to explicitly define “smoking.”

“The Department took this action to eliminate any confusion over whether its ban includes electronic cigarettes,” the agency said in a statement at the time.

The finalized rule treats electronic cigarettes, pipes, cigars, and other devices the same as tobacco cigarettes, which are also banned from use on U.S. flights.

“This final rule is important because it protects airline passengers from unwanted exposure to aerosol fumes that occur when electronic cigarettes are used onboard airplanes,” then Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx said in a statement. “The Department took a practical approach to eliminate any confusion between tobacco cigarettes and e-cigarettes by applying the same restrictions to both.”

Fighting The Ban

The DOT’s rule quickly came under fire, as the Competitive Enterprise Institute and the Consumer Advocates for Smoke-Free Alternatives filed a lawsuit challenging it, alleging that the agency had no authority to issue such a ban.

The organizations, along with an e-cigarette user, argued that the DOT improperly banned the use of e-cigarettes under a decades-old the anti-smoking statute because “e-cigarettes do not burn (or even contain) tobacco, much less produce smoke.”

In 1987, Congress declared it unlawful “to smoke” on scheduled passenger flights under two hours, and since 2000, the statutory smoking prohibition has extended to all scheduled passenger flights for travel within, to, and from the United States.

According to the suit, the DOT’s ban on e-cigarettes was a violation of the plain language in the statute, with the groups contending that e-cigarettes create a vapor, not smoke.

The Ruling

Today, United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled against a lawsuit, upholding the DOT’s bank.

In a 2-1 ruling, the appeals court ruled that the term smoking, as defined by decades-old statutes, does indeed cover more modern electronic devices.

While the organizations argued that “smoking” requires lighting or burning and does not encompass the heating that occurs with e-cigarettes, the court found that statutory text does not support that position.

The judges found that nowhere in the state is “smoke” or “smoking” defined.

Judge Douglas Ginsberg disagreed with the majority ruling, noting that the other judges were taking a broad interpretation of the term “smoking,” noting that when the statue was created the term was unambiguous.

“I cannot accept the Court’s ahistorical reinterpretation of a purportedly ambiguous statutory term that was well-understood when enacted in 1987,” Ginsberg wrote in his dissent.

Not Over Yet

Sam Kazman, CEI general counsel, said in a statement Friday that the organization is considering whether to appeal the ruling.

“Today’s court ruling creates a dangerous new rule for interpreting the law. It allows the commonly-understood language of Congress’s 30-year old no-smoking statute to be stretched into a ban on e-cigarettes—even though e-cigarettes involve no combustion and produce no smoke,” Kazman said.

Consumerist has reached out to the Consumer Advocates for Smoke-Free Alternatives and the DOT for comment on the ruling. We’ll update this post if we hear back.

by Ashlee Kieler via Consumerist

A World Powered by AI: Lenovo Tech World 2017

A world powered by AI, a vision for an intelligent and caring future: this was #LenovoTechWorld
by Lenovo via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

Dave Reinsel Discusses Data Age 2025 IDC Study

Dave Reinsel, Sr. Vice President, IDC discusses with Seagate the impact of the recent white paper, Data Age 2025, sponsored by Seagate, which predicts global datasphere growth - a swell to 163 zettabytes (ZB) by 2025. Dave, a panelist at the Data Age 2025 event in San Francisco, also discussed how this immense amount of data will enable new discoveries in areas such as science, medicine, energy, transportation and more along with the implications for businesses and how companies can adapt. More information: Follow Dave on Twitter @DavesBytes
by SeagateTechnology via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

Brooks Moore Discusses Data Age 2025 IDC Study

Brooks Moore, TV Producer and Narrator, discusses with Seagate the impact of the recent white paper, Data Age 2025, sponsored by Seagate, which predicts the global datasphere growth - a swell to 163 zettabytes (ZB) by 2025. Brooks, a panelist at the Data Age 2025 event in San Francisco, also discussed how this immense amount of data has impacted the entertainment and film industry. More information: Follow Brooks on Twitter @Brookstmoore
by SeagateTechnology via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

So einfach und schnell gibt es Geld für Flugausfälle

Bei täglich 70 Flügen hierzulande hätten Reisende Anspruch auf attraktive Entschädigungen. Die meisten aber wissen nicht um ihre Rechte, sind mutlos oder scheuen den Aufwand. Zu Unrecht: Der Weg zum Geld ist kurz.
by Michael Höfling via Endless Supplies .De - News

Sean Spicer bestätigt seinen Rücktritt als Trumps Pressesprecher

Der Sprecher von US-Präsident Trump ist zurückgetreten, zu Ende August hört er auf. Das bestätigte Sean Spicer selbst auf Twitter. Der Grund soll laut US-Berichten eine Personalentscheidung Trumps sein.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News

Petry macht Wahlkampf mit wenige Wochen altem Baby

Ein AfD-Wahlplakat zeigt Frauke Petry mit ihrem neugeborenen Sohn Ferdinand im Arm, dazu der Slogan: „Und was ist Ihr Grund für Deutschland zu kämpfen?“. Damit will sich die AfD-Politikerin gegen Kanzlerin Merkel positionieren
by via Endless Supplies .De - News

Ich bin 20 und soll fürs Alter vorsorgen? Echt jetzt?

Für meine Generation ist die Rente nicht sicher. Ich muss jetzt schon über meine Versorgung nachdenken. Wieso haben wir so etwas nicht in der Schule gelernt? In die Lehrpläne gehört mehr Wirtschaft.
by Adrian Arab via Endless Supplies .De - News

Polizei bestraft Gaffer an Unfallstelle – die reagieren empört

„Möchten Sie, wenn Sie blutend am Boden liegen, sich später auf YouTube finden?“: Die Polizei bestraft Autofahrer, die extra langsam an einer Unfallstelle vorbeifahren, um zu filmen. Viele wollen das nicht einsehen.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News

Grüne Negativ-Botschaften gegen den Zeitgeist

Viel „nicht“ und „kein“: Im Bundestagswahlkampf setzen die Grüne auf Plakate, die ernste Programmatik mit negativer Stoßrichtung vortragen. Die Linke gibt sich hingegen anheimelnd. Das hat viel mit der AfD zu tun.
by Matthias Kamann via Endless Supplies .De - News

Brighton behauptet sich stolz als „London by the Sea“

Die Nähe zu London bescherte den südbritischen Bädern schon im 18. Jahrhundert prominenten Zulauf. Heute buhlen die geschichtsträchtigen Orte Brighton, Hastings und Bath auf unterschiedliche Art um Gäste.
by Maria Menzel via Endless Supplies .De - News

Vor der Kritik kommt die politische Gesinnung

Nach den G-20-Krawallen trafen sich Vertreter linker Initiativen – unter ihnen die Rote Flora – mit Anwohnern aus dem Hamburger Schanzenviertel. Doch zu einer wirklichen Debatte kam es nicht.
by Geli Tangermann via Endless Supplies .De - News

Kommunen sollen Förderschulen erhalten

Gemeinsamer Unterricht von Kindern mit und ohne Behinderung hat in NRW für viel Zündstoff gesorgt. Die neue Landesregierung will mehr Förderschulen erhalten und hat dazu einen Plan ausgearbeitet.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News

Chester Bennington ist tot

Ein Gerichtsmediziner des Los Angeles County teilte mit, beim Tod des Linkin Park-Frontmanns gehe man derzeit von Selbstmord aus. Chester Bennington wurde 41 Jahre alt.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News

Diese Persönlichkeiten sind 2017 gestorben

Linkin-Park-Sänger Chester Bennington, Helmut Kohl, Gunter Gabriel, Roger Moore: Nach einem besonders traurigen Jahr 2016 sind auch 2017 schon viele große Persönlichkeiten gestorben. Ein Rückblick mit Nachrufen.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News

Klubs buhlen um Max Kruse – er selbst schweigt

Max Kruse rettete Werder Bremen in der vergangenen Saison vor dem Abstieg. Nun ist der Angreifer bei großen Klubs im Gespräch, die ihm üppige Gehälter bieten. Einen Vorteil aber hat der SV Werder.
by Kai Niels Bogena via Endless Supplies .De - News

Golf-Profi grüßt alle Welt mit einer Postkarten-Hose

John Daly ist bekannt für seine extravaganten Outfits. Der Golfer fällt gerne auf. Auch bei den British Open hielt er sich nicht zurück. Dass es auch viel eleganter geht, bewies Justin Thomas.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News

Dieser Toyota Yaris ist die Straßenversion eines Rallye-Autos

Nie wieder langweilig: GRMN klingt sperrig, kennzeichnet aber die Straßenversion von Toyotas Auto aus der Rallye-WM. Mit dem Motor des Lotus Elise und abgestimmt von den „Meisters of Nürburgring“.
by Thomas Geiger via Endless Supplies .De - News

Klopp über den Poker um Naby Keita - "Wo, in Vegas?"

66 Millionen Pfund soll der FC Liverpool für RB Leipzigs Naby Keita geboten haben. Das will ein englischer Journalist wissen. Liverpools Trainer Jürgen Klopp kann dem nicht ganz folgen und scherzt.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News

Auf zwei Risiken müssen Anleger jetzt achten

Die weltweit starke Industrieproduktion sorgt für Hochstimmung an den Börsen. Um neun Zukäufe wächst deswegen unser Musterportfolio, der Aktienanteil steigt auf 69 Prozent. Risiken drohen von den Notenbanken und einem kleinen arabischen Land.
by Daniel Eckert via Endless Supplies .De - News

„Das Zimmer bewegte sich von links nach rechts“

Mitten in der Nacht wurde sie aus dem Schlaf gerissen: Sabrina Ege erlebte auf Kos das Erdbeben aus nächster Nähe. Ihre Familie verbrachte die Nacht vorm Hotel – und war erstaunt, wie ruhig die Menschen waren.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News

„Was für eine Sch... machst du da?“

Die British Open sind eines der vier großen Major-Turniere auf der Golf-Tour. Einer der Mitfavoriten drohte frühzeitig alle Chancen zu verspielen. Da erlaubte sich sein Caddie dann Ungeheuerliches.
by Adrian Rehling via Endless Supplies .De - News

Palmer polarisiert auf Facebook zu Asylbewerbern

Nach den Vorfällen in Schorndorf hatte Tübingens Oberbürgermeister Boris Palmer auf Facebook geäußert, dass Asylbewerber „überdurchschnittlich häufig an der Begehung von Straftaten beteiligt“ seien. Daran gab es heftige Kritik.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News

312.000 Euro pro Woche sind Mesut Özil nicht genug

Seit Wochen verhandelt Mesut Özil mit Arsenal London über einen neuen Vertrag. Der Weltmeister fordert angeblich 20 Millionen Euro pro Jahr. Im Vertragspoker hat der Mittelfeldspieler aber keine guten Karten.
by Marcel Reich via Endless Supplies .De - News

U.S. Banning All Travel To North Korea Because Getting Arrested There Can Be Very Dangerous

If you were planning to visit North Korea sometime in the near future, you’ll probably need to cancel that hotel reservation in Pyongyang: The U.S. State Department has issued a ban on travel to the country, citing concerns that American could be in danger while there.

Safety Concerns

On Friday, the Department announced that Secretary Rex Tillerson has authorized a “Geographical Travel Restriction” regarding North Korea.

“Due to mounting concerns over the serious risk of arrest and long-term detention under North Korea’s system of law enforcement, the Secretary has authorized a Geographical Travel Restriction on all U.S. citizen nationals’ use of a passport to travel in, through, or to North Korea,” the department said in its full statement.

Previously, the state department had warned U.S. citizens against visiting North Korea, noting a “serious risk of arrest and long-term detention under North Korea’s system of law enforcement.”

And because the U.S. doesn’t maintain any diplomatic or consular relations with North Korea, if you were to get into trouble, the government doesn’t have any way to provide help like it would through the normal consular channels available to U.S. citizens.

The department intends to publish an official notice in the Federal Register next week, with the restriction going into effect 30 days afterward.

The news follows the death of an American college student who was medically evacuated in a coma from North Korea last month. He was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor in March 2016, after being accused of stealing a propaganda poster while he was touring the country. It’s unclear how he was injured.

Some Travel Exceptions

Once the ban is in place, most passports will be invalid for travling to North Korea. However, there are some people who will still be able to get a special validation in order to travel in the country, including for “humanitarian or other purposes.”

It’s unclear what those other purposes may be; we’ve reached out to the Department for details and will update this post if we hear back.

by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

This Maytag dryer handles monstrous loads

With a full 9.2 cubic foot drum, the Maytag MEDB955FC dryer tackles monster-sized loads. Subscribe to CNET: Check out our playlists: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram: Add us on Snapchat:
by CNET via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

Legendary Pokemon arrive in Pokemon Go - with a catch

Rare, powerful monsters hatch in time for the mobile game's birthday. But is it enough to bring back old fans? Subscribe to CNET: Check out our playlists: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram: Add us on Snapchat:
by CNET via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

Bike Share in Shanghai: Simple & Smart

Ran across GPS-located bikes that unlock with a QR code & can be left at any destination. #Shanghai #LenovoTechWorld
by Lenovo via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

Lyft Wants To End Car Ownership — This Is How They Want To Do It

It’s no secret that Lyft has its sights set on a country without individual car ownership — with the company’s co-founder calling it a “$9,000 ball and chain” that people have to drag along in their daily lives — but now the ride-hailing service is elaborating further on how exactly it can accomplish that goal.

Luc Vincent, Lyft’s VP of engineering, writes in a Medium post that in order for Lyft to usher in a “transportation revolution” — one that he says will improve our communities and quality of life — the company has to build an “ecosystem of trust” that offers rides both with drivers as well as rides from self-driving vehicles.

Humans will surely stick around, but it’s worth noting that Lyft co-founder and president John Zimmer has said in the past that the company expects that the majority of its rides will be in self-driving cars within five years.

The next step

To that end, Lyft is opening its own self-driving division called the Level 5 Engineering Center in a new facility in Palo Alto.

The new group will work on developing a new, open self-driving system in order to build on its already-existin open self-driving platform.

“Lyft’s self-driving vehicles will operate on that network, alongside vehicles introduced by Lyft partners,” Vincent writes. “In the years ahead, we will continue to bring the world’s leading automotive and technology companies onto this single platform to serve a nationwide passenger network.”

The company already has 10 percent of its engineers working on developing self-driving technology, and will be adding more to the new team.

Wh Lyft thinks it can make all its dreams come true

So what sets Lyft apart from all the other self-driving efforts out there? Vincent says the company believes Lyft is in the best position to build technology in collaboration with partners “in a way that makes it possible to roll out self-driving cars at scale in the fastest, safest, most efficient way.”

Here are some of his reasons:

Lyft has “significant scale,” allowing to rapidly train its self-driving system. With more than a million rides completed on the network every day, adding up to tens of millions of miles daily, Lyft can use the data it collects to understand the world better, thus helping it deliver “a better experience for our passengers and drivers alike.”

Everything is on an open platform, which won’t just work in Lyft’s favor, but will accelerate its partners’ efforts as well.

“They’ll be able to tap into our wealth of data and experience to create the best self-driving experience, Vincent writes. “All of this can happen much more quickly because we’re working together to create the transportation ecosystem that will define our future.”

Why get rid of individual car ownership in the first place?

You might be thinking, “But I like having my own car. What’s your beef, Lyft?”

Safety: Echoing past statements on a future without individual car ownership, Vincent cites a study that says widespread adoption of self-driving cars will lead to a 90 percent reduction in accidents.

Pollution: Fewer cars on the road comes down to less pollution and a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, Vincent notes.

Quality of life: Lyft also wants future where we have less traffic clogging our streets, allowing us to “devote less of our space to roads, concrete, and parking lots — and more to parks, playgrounds, homes and local businesses.”

“It’s a future, in short, where we build our communities and our world around people, not cars,” Vincent says.

Okay, but will people really stop buying cars?

Lyft isn’t alone in trying to replace your car with a service: Waymo started offering self-driving car rides to the public in April, with CEO John Krafcik saying the company expects a lot of demand.

“We want as many people as possible to experience our technology, and we want to bring self-driving cars to more communities sooner,” he said at the time.

In June, he told The Wall Street Journal that the company would love to replace the family car with such a service.

“We’re really experimenting here with how far our users can go in terms of using a service like this one to replace their own personal transportation,” he said.

Others also believe that individual ownership will fall by the wayside eventually.

“By 2022, 2023, the majority of transportation in urban cities with temperate weather will be on demand, shared and likely autonomous,” Aarjav Trivedi, chief executive of Ridecell, a San Francisco company that provides the back-end software for car sharing, told the WSJ.

But while various reports in the press claim that car ownership will soon be a thing of the past, partly because millennials just aren’t interested in buying new vehicles anymore, The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System looked into the demographics of new vehicle purchases and found that that might not be the whole story.

The fed’s analysis concluded that despite a downturn in interest during the Great Recession, younger people do not have less of an appetite for car ownership.

“While part of the rise in average age does reflect a decline since 2007 in the rate at which young buyers purchase new vehicles, the aging of the Baby Boomers and a drop in the purchasing rate among 35 to 50 year olds appear to be the most important factors,” the fed noted.

However, that analysis didn’t take into account what effect autonomous fleets of vehicles might have.

by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

AB InBev Jumps Into Energy Drink, Juice Market With Purchase Of Hiball

In recent years, Anheuser-Busch InBev has been padding its portfolio by purchasing craft brewer after craft brewer, but the beverage giant’s latest merger is a bit different — it doesn’t include alcohol. 

AB InBev announced this week that it would purchase California-based energy drink company Hiball, carving out yet another notch in its non-alcoholic belt.

The deal, for which financial terms were not released, will bring Hiball’s line of organic energy drinks, and sparkling energy waters, as well as Alta Palla drinks under the AB InBev umbrella.

Hiball’s beverages, which use organic ingredients, could help AB InBev appeal to the health-conscious consumers.

Likewise, with AB InBev’s wholesale network, HiBalll and Alta Palla will be able to expand the drinks’ availability.

This isn’t the first time AB InBev has branched out from its alcohol background. The company previously partnered with Starbucks on bottled Teavana tea drinks.

by Ashlee Kieler via Consumerist

Ford To Try To Avoid Recall Of 2.5M Vehicles With Takata Airbags

Last week, federal regulators revealed that millions of additional Ford, Nissan, and Mazda vehicles would be recalled for containing Takata airbag inflators that could explode violently despite containing a chemical meant to lessen the risk of the shrapnel-shooting ruptures. But Ford is looking to avoid another costly recall. 

Reuters reports that Ford will petition the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to avoid the recall of nearly 2.5 million vehicles tied to the recent recall.

Ford’s petition seeks to continue testing and analyzing the inflators included in model year 2007 to 2011 Ranger, 2006 to 2012 Fusion and Lincoln MKZ, 2006 to 2011 Mercury Milan, and 2007 to 2010 Ford Edge and Lincoln MKX.

A rep for NHTSA tells Reuters that the petition will seek an exemption on the grounds that Ford believes the issue is inconsequential.

Under NHTSA’s rules, carmakers have 30 days to submit petitions to recalls. Once a petition is filed, the agency will accept public comment prior to making a decision.

The Recall

Last week’s recall, which came in addition to the 42 million inflators Takata previously recalled, was necessitated after Takata determined that certain driver frontal airbag inflators that use calcium sulfate as a desiccant may rupture due to propellant degradation as a result to exposure to humidity.

The inflators, which were either originally used in the vehicles or used as replacements after a crash, differ from Takata’s previous recalls because they contain calcium sulfate, a chemical meant to be a drying agent.

Takata noted [PDF] that while it was unaware of any ruptured inflators that use a desiccant in vehicles on the road or in lab testing, analysis of the inflators showed a pattern of propellant density reduction over time.

In other words, the chemical can break down over time, becoming less effective in preventing violent airbag inflator ruptures that have been linked to at least 12 deaths in the U.S.

Affected Vehicles

In addition to the Ford vehicles potentially covered by the recent recall, Nissan and Mazda have revealed which of their vehicle models are affected by the recall.

In Nissan’s case, the carmaker says the recall covers about 627,000 model year 2007 to 2012 Versa vehicles with Takata driver side airbag inflators.

In a filing with NHTSA [PDF], Nissan said testing of nearly 900 inflators found no ruptures. However, one exhibited “elevated internal pressure.”

“Upon consultation with NHTSA and out of abundance of caution, Nissan decided to conduct a safety recall on the subject vehicles to address the potential defect identified by Takata,” the recall notice states.

Mazda says that 6,000 of its B-Series pickup trucks are affected by the new recall.

However, a rep for NHTSA tells Reuters that the carmaker will also petition to avoid the recall.

by Ashlee Kieler via Consumerist

NIO Electric Car Start-up Partners with Lenovo

VP of User Development at NIO explains their vision for the future of autonomous vehicles and how their relationship with Lenovo with help drive them forward. #LenovoTechWorld
by Lenovo via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

BlueLine Grid and Cisco Enable Multi-Platform Collaboration

David RIker, CEO of BlueLine Grid, discusses the partnership with Cisco and how both companies are working to provide next-generation collaboration capabilities between platforms.
by Cisco via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

More Android Disk Space Tips - DIY in 5 Ep 61

Watch our first video of Android storage tips here: Here are three more Android disk space tips we found. The DiskUsage app from the Google Play Store gives you a nice visual representation of which folders and files are taking up the most space. Sometimes you’ll find even after you delete old apps or programs they’ve left behind a bunch of extra data that’s just sitting there taking up space. With a visualizer like this you can find all those annoying little files and get rid of them for good. For those of you rocking a Samsung newer than the Galaxy S6 and Note 5, Samsung has been providing a handy little app which can help clean up storage hogs. Simply pull down on the notification shade and click on the gear icon (Settings), then scroll down until you see “Smart Manager” and tap on it. Next find the Storage option. After a few moments you’ll be presented with the section Unnecessary Data which consists of things like old cached data and ads. Simply hit delete to reclaim this storage space. Lastly, many of the streaming services like Spotify, Netflix, and Google Play now let you save files to a microSD card so you can keep that internal storage free. Details here: #androidforlife Subscribe to Kingston:
by Kingston Technology via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

Lights, Color, Action: Tech World Moto Party

As the sunsets after Lenovo Tech World, the Moto Party kicks off in Shanghai.
by Lenovo via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

daystAR All-In-One AR Headset

Lenovo's Disha Sharma provides an overview on daystAR, Lenovo's All-In-One AR Headset. It's a futuristic cable free headset which runs on Lenovo's open source AR platform. #LenovoTechWorld
by Lenovo via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

Introducing HyperFlex Connect

Manage HyperFlex through any device using the new role-based Cisco HyperFlex Connect interface.
by Cisco via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

Streit um Tempelberg eskaliert – Drei Tote und 400 Verletzte

Nach einem Anschlag am Tempelberg in Jerusalem stellt Israel Metalldetektoren am Eingang der heiligen Stätte auf. Nach den Freitagsgebeten kommt es zu blutigen Unruhen in Jerusalem und im Westjordanland.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News

Mutmaßlichem Auto-Kartell drohen Bußgelder in Milliardenhöhe

Seit den 90er-Jahren sollen Deutschlands Autokonzerne möglicherweise verbotene Absprachen getroffen haben. Stimmen die Vorwürfe, dann wird es für die Unternehmen sehr teuer, sagen zwei führende Monopol-Experten.
by Michael Gassmann via Endless Supplies .De - News

Als „Finis Germania“ von der Bestsellerliste flog

Auf Amazons Bestsellerliste fehlte neulich Platz 6. Der Titel wurde wohl getilgt. Wer recherchiert, stellt fest: Es handelt sich um das Buch „Finis Germania“, das rechtes Gedankengut enthält.
by Henryk M. Broder via Endless Supplies .De - News

SMS an Hanaa: „Wir schlachten dich wie einen Esel“

Mit 15 wurde Hanaa S. zwangsverheiratet, mit 34 befreite sich die Kurdin von ihrem prügelnden Ehemann. Zwei Jahre nach ihrem Verschwinden in Wuppertal wurde jetzt vermutlich ihre Leiche gefunden.
by Claudia Becker via Endless Supplies .De - News

Seit Mama weg ist

Die Frau unseres Autors ist nach langer Krankheit gestorben. Jetzt ist er alleinerziehend und damit als Mann eine gesellschaftliche Ausnahme – was der Vater von Vincent, 4, oft zu spüren bekommt.
by François Duchateau via Endless Supplies .De - News

Zahlt der Steuerzahler für ein Biotop des Linksextremismus?

Die Rote Flora spaltet nicht erst seit dem G-20-Gipfel. Für manche eine Trutzburg, für andere ein Hort des Extremismus. Nun sorgt eine FDP-Anfrage für Zündstoff: Wer zahlt eigentlich für das Zentrum?
by Jana Werner via Endless Supplies .De - News

Ihr Republikaner habt keine Ahnung! Das ist ein Problem

Trumps Gesundheitsreform ist erneut am Widerstand seiner Partei gescheitert. US-Starökonom Paul Krugman zeigt, wie die Republikaner sich selbst ins politische Chaos stürzen konnten. Sein Urteil ist vernichtend.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News