Take a quick look at Taiwan Embedded Forum, where AMD announced the Ryzen™ Embedded product family is growing with the new AMD Ryzen™ Embedded R1000 SoC on April 16th, 2019. Discover more: http://bit.ly/2E83qvq *** Subscribe: http://bit.ly/Subscribe_to_AMD Like us on Facebook: http://bit.ly/AMD_on_Facebook Follow us on Twitter: http://bit.ly/AMD_On_Twitter Follow us on Twitch: http://Twitch.tv/AMD Follow us on Linkedin: http://bit.ly/AMD_on_Linkedin Follow us on Instagram: http://bit.ly/AMD_on_Instagram ©2019 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. AMD, the AMD Arrow Logo, and combinations thereof are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Other names are for informational purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Endless Supplies Corporation liefert weltweit, bietet Angebote am selben Tag und enthält CPUs, Speichergeräte, Notebooks, Server, Monitore, Büroausstattung, Computer, Motherboards, Grafikkarten, Displays, Wireless Networking, Cases, Unterhaltungselektronik, Software und mehr. E-Procurement-Systeme für B2B, B2G und B2C. Mailen Sie uns heute.
Montag, 13. Mai 2019
AMD Introduces the Newest Member of the Embedded Product Family: Ryzenâ„¢ Embedded R1000 SoC
Take a quick look at Taiwan Embedded Forum, where AMD announced the Ryzen™ Embedded product family is growing with the new AMD Ryzen™ Embedded R1000 SoC on April 16th, 2019. Discover more: http://bit.ly/2E83qvq *** Subscribe: http://bit.ly/Subscribe_to_AMD Like us on Facebook: http://bit.ly/AMD_on_Facebook Follow us on Twitter: http://bit.ly/AMD_On_Twitter Follow us on Twitch: http://Twitch.tv/AMD Follow us on Linkedin: http://bit.ly/AMD_on_Linkedin Follow us on Instagram: http://bit.ly/AMD_on_Instagram ©2019 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. AMD, the AMD Arrow Logo, and combinations thereof are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Other names are for informational purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners.
AMD Introduces the Newest Member of the Embedded Product Family: Ryzenâ„¢ Embedded R1000 SoC
Take a quick look at Taiwan Embedded Forum, where AMD announced the Ryzen™ Embedded product family is growing with the new AMD Ryzen™ Embedded R1000 SoC on April 16th, 2019. Discover more: http://bit.ly/2E83qvq *** Subscribe: http://bit.ly/Subscribe_to_AMD Like us on Facebook: http://bit.ly/AMD_on_Facebook Follow us on Twitter: http://bit.ly/AMD_On_Twitter Follow us on Twitch: http://Twitch.tv/AMD Follow us on Linkedin: http://bit.ly/AMD_on_Linkedin Follow us on Instagram: http://bit.ly/AMD_on_Instagram ©2019 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. AMD, the AMD Arrow Logo, and combinations thereof are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Other names are for informational purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Should We Make AI Explain Its Decisions?
Neural nets, data sources and data points are topics on this episode of The AI Minute. For more on Artificial Intelligence: https://voicesinai.com https://gigaom.com https://byronreese.com https://amzn.to/2vgENbn... Transcript: Do you have the right to an explanation of why an artificial intelligence made the suggestion or choice that it did? This will become an evermore-contentious issue. There is a provision before the EU, which is already adopted in France, which requires companies that use AI to make determinations about customers, to be able to offer an explanation as to why that choice was made. This seems, on the one hand, very reasonable in cases having to do with the pricing of life insurance, or on the other hand whether you get declined for a car loan, but as artificial intelligence becomes more complicated, it may be incredibly difficult to tease “the why†out of the data. When a neural net, for instance, is using hundreds and thousands of different data sources across billions and billions of data points it comes to a conclusion, the explanation of which may be beyond human comprehension. So, the question becomes, do we decide that these are not legitimate uses of artificial intelligence, or do we just accept that there will be some things that the AI will choose that we will never understand?
Parents and Teachers Want Climate Change Taught in Schools
An exclusive poll from NPR and market research organization Ipsos says more than 80 percent of American parents want their kids to learn about climate change. The poll also found that 86 percent of teachers agree with the sentiment. ► Subscribe for more tech & culture videos: http://bit.ly/2Sbyx1s ◄ MORE FROM MASHABLE ‌• Video - https://youtu.be/6ElleCub6uM ‌• Video - https://youtu.be/jAu1ZsTCA64 ‌• Video - https://youtu.be/W8T6fYt9-tA Subscribe to Mashable: http://bit.ly/2Sbyx1s Best of playlist: http://bit.ly/2Z5rSXs MASHABLE ACROSS THE WEB Mashable.com: http://bit.ly/2SazmYh Facebook: http://bit.ly/2T5bgLp Twitter: http://bit.ly/2Cx8gSN Instagram: http://bit.ly/2Tctzi3 Mashable is for superfans. We're not for the casually curious. Obsess with us. #climatechange #school #npr
Amazon is testing robots that box up your orders
The machines could eventually replace more than 1,300 humans. Read more: https://engt.co/30fOm8q Subscribe to Engadget on YouTube: http://engt.co/subscribe Engadget's Buyer's Guide: https://engt.co/2A8xvt2 Get More Engadget: • Like us on Facebook: http://bit.ly/1k1iCZT • Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/engadget • Follow us on Instagram: http://bit.ly/1k1iCZV • Read more: http://www.engadget.com Engadget is the original home for technology news and reviews.
Introducing Canon’s EOS RP Camera
Get to know the features of Canon’s new compact and lightweight EOS RP camera and see how you can capture stunning images. Learn more: https://Canon.us/hkzf2
Epson Inkjet vs. Laser with Formula One Driver Lewis Hamilton
Mercedes-AMG Petronas Motorsport Formula One Team driver Lewis Hamilton competes against 12-year-old Isaiah to demonstrate the importance of energy savings with business inkjet. Who will win? #EpsonSavesEnergy
Talks of 6G is in the works, but what about 5G?
TechRepublic's Karen Roby talks with ZDNet's Scott Fulton about the future of 6G, the current status of 5G, and breaks down the difference between the two. Read more: https://zd.net/2JBhSji
People@Cisco: Oliver Tuszik
Take a quick spin with the SVP of Cisco’s Global Partner Organization. Oliver Tuszik talks about the need to move quickly and the transformation journey he’s leading with Cisco’s 60,000+ global partners. See more content at newsroom.cisco.com.
Introducing Lenovo ThinkReality
AR & VR aren't just for play. Our brand new ThinkReality platform will enable the next wave of work as developers build the apps of the future, taking productivity to new heights. #LenovoAccelerate Learn More: http://lnv.gy/accelerate
Create worlds - join Blizzard and entertain the universe!
We’re looking for talented, passionate people with all sorts of skills to join the ranks at Blizzard. Visit our careers site to check out the internships, new grad and full-time positions we have available all over the world and to learn more about working at Blizzard and why we love being here. https://blizz.ly/1Lau8PB
Square Enix Drops Teaser for 'Final Fantasy VII' Remake
Square Enix has dropped a teaser for the 'Final Fantasy VII' remake that had been put on hold due to some development issues. ► Subscribe for more tech & culture videos: http://bit.ly/2Sbyx1s ◄ MORE FROM MASHABLE ‌• Video - https://youtu.be/6ElleCub6uM ‌• Video - https://youtu.be/jAu1ZsTCA64 ‌• Video - https://youtu.be/W8T6fYt9-tA Subscribe to Mashable: http://bit.ly/2Sbyx1s Best of playlist: http://bit.ly/2Z5rSXs MASHABLE ACROSS THE WEB Mashable.com: http://bit.ly/2SazmYh Facebook: http://bit.ly/2T5bgLp Twitter: http://bit.ly/2Cx8gSN Instagram: http://bit.ly/2Tctzi3 Mashable is for superfans. We're not for the casually curious. Obsess with us. #squareenix #finalfantasy #remake
BTS Are Releasing Their Own Mobile Game
The K-pop group BTS have a huge worldwide fanbase. Now, followers of the "Boy With Luv" hitmakers have something to look forward to — BTS's own mobile game. ► Subscribe for more tech & culture videos: http://bit.ly/2Sbyx1s ◄ MORE FROM MASHABLE ‌• Video - https://youtu.be/6ElleCub6uM ‌• Video - https://youtu.be/jAu1ZsTCA64 ‌• Video - https://youtu.be/W8T6fYt9-tA Subscribe to Mashable: http://bit.ly/2Sbyx1s Best of playlist: http://bit.ly/2Z5rSXs MASHABLE ACROSS THE WEB Mashable.com: http://bit.ly/2SazmYh Facebook: http://bit.ly/2T5bgLp Twitter: http://bit.ly/2Cx8gSN Instagram: http://bit.ly/2Tctzi3 Mashable is for superfans. We're not for the casually curious. Obsess with us. #BTS #mobilegame #kpop
The 3:59, Ep. 560
Good morning from CNET NY Studios while we record the daily news-bite podcast: The 3:59. Hangout while we cover a multitude of stories from around the tech world and then the CNET staff will take your questions and comments in the chat. Watch more episodes of 3:59 on Youtube: https://bit.ly/29LVP7F Livestream: http://bit.ly/2oFqv2Y Periscope: http://bit.ly/2qU1nTf Twitch: http://bit.ly/2MaQaJt Subscribe to the audio podcast: iTunes: http://apple.co/29T3fbf Google Play: http://bit.ly/2hkXp5P Feedburner: http://bit.ly/2tVTkqw TuneIn: http://bit.ly/2uVg9vN Stitcher: http://bit.ly/2vfeHXE
Workplace Transformation Cognitively Enabled
Workplace Transformation Cognitively Enabled: The new way of working and how it will help you compete in a rapidly-changing market. Aruna Ravichandran, VP, Collaboration Marketing, Cisco Subscribe to Cisco's YouTube channel: http://cs.co/Subscribe.
#CiscoChat Live: Switch Up Your Access with the Catalysts 9100 & 9600!
Join us as we deep-dive into the newly introduced Catalyst 9100 Access Point and Catalyst 9600 Switch. This is the gear that will deliver the promise of WiFi 6! Subscribe to Cisco's YouTube channel: http://cs.co/Subscribe.
How to Create a Family Group on Xbox Devices
Watch to learn how to create Xbox accounts for everyone in your family and add them to a Family Group. This Xbox One how-to series will help you establish responsible gaming habits for the whole family. Subscribe to Microsoft on YouTube here: http://bit.ly/2CJ1lo8 Follow us on social: LinkedIn: http://bit.ly/2C07ZV1 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Microsoft Facebook: http://bit.ly/1YJO1UL Instagram: http://bit.ly/1MrzlUw For more about Microsoft, our technology, and our mission, visit http://bit.ly/2CLgpls
How to Filter Age Appropriate Content on an Xbox One Account
Here’s how to set limits on age appropriate games, apps and shows on an Xbox child account. This Xbox One how-to series will help you establish responsible gaming habits for the whole family. Learn how to create a Family Group: https://youtu.be/CS1HhVBP8rQ Subscribe to Microsoft on YouTube here: http://bit.ly/2CJ1lo8 Follow us on social: LinkedIn: http://bit.ly/2C07ZV1 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Microsoft Facebook: http://bit.ly/1YJO1UL Instagram: http://bit.ly/1MrzlUw For more about Microsoft, our technology, and our mission, visit http://bit.ly/2CLgpls
How to Set Up Screen Time Limits on Xbox and Windows 10 Devices
Learn more about the tools available on Xbox and Windows 10 devices that will help enforce limitations on screen time. This Xbox One how-to series will help you establish responsible gaming habits for the whole family. Learn how to create a Family Group: https://youtu.be/CS1HhVBP8rQ Subscribe to Microsoft on YouTube here: http://bit.ly/2CJ1lo8 Follow us on social: LinkedIn: http://bit.ly/2C07ZV1 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Microsoft Facebook: http://bit.ly/1YJO1UL Instagram: http://bit.ly/1MrzlUw For more about Microsoft, our technology, and our mission, visit http://bit.ly/2CLgpls
How to Create Spending Limits for an Xbox Child Account
Here’s how Family Settings allow parents to control purchasing decisions on a child’s account. This Xbox One how-to series will help you establish responsible gaming habits for the whole family. Learn how to create a Family Group: https://youtu.be/CS1HhVBP8rQ Subscribe to Microsoft on YouTube here: http://bit.ly/2CJ1lo8 Follow us on social: LinkedIn: http://bit.ly/2C07ZV1 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Microsoft Facebook: http://bit.ly/1YJO1UL Instagram: http://bit.ly/1MrzlUw For more about Microsoft, our technology, and our mission, visit http://bit.ly/2CLgpls
How to Report and Block Players on Xbox One
When players online show inappropriate behavior, learn how to quickly report or block these players and maintain a safe gaming experience for your family. This Xbox One how-to series will help you establish responsible gaming habits for the whole family. Learn how to create a Family Group: https://youtu.be/CS1HhVBP8rQ Subscribe to Microsoft on YouTube here: http://bit.ly/2CJ1lo8 Follow us on social: LinkedIn: http://bit.ly/2C07ZV1 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Microsoft Facebook: http://bit.ly/1YJO1UL Instagram: http://bit.ly/1MrzlUw For more about Microsoft, our technology, and our mission, visit http://bit.ly/2CLgpls
Lenovo ThinkBook Anthem Video
The value proposition of Lenovo ThinkBook products in the transformation of the workplace where Gen-Z and millennials call the shots. Learn more at http://www.lenovo.com
Building Autonomous Systems with Microsoft AI
Toyota Material Handling and Microsoft are using AirSim—an open source simulation platform originally developed to teach drones or robots to learn in high fidelity simulated environments—to train a forklift on tasks like picking up a pallet. This video illustrates the vision for a future warehouse with pre-trained, intelligent forklifts assisting people in everyday activities. Subscribe to Microsoft on YouTube here: http://bit.ly/2CJ1lo8 Follow us on social: LinkedIn: http://bit.ly/2C07ZV1 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Microsoft Facebook: http://bit.ly/1YJO1UL Instagram: http://bit.ly/1MrzlUw For more about Microsoft, our technology, and our mission, visit http://bit.ly/2CLgpls
Azure Speech Service Vision Keynote Demo // Microsoft Build 2019
Our latest research progress enables dynamic creation of a virtual microphone array with a set of existing devices equipped with ordinary microphones. It helps our customers more easily transcribe conversations at anytime anywhere. Also, Azure speech service can automatically generate custom speech models using Office 365 data to deliver more accurate transcription on organization-specific vernacular such as technical terms and people names. Learn more: http://bit.ly/2LA9JhM Subscribe to Microsoft on YouTube here: http://bit.ly/2CJ1lo8 Follow us on social: LinkedIn: http://bit.ly/2C07ZV1 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Microsoft Facebook: http://bit.ly/1YJO1UL Instagram: http://bit.ly/1MrzlUw For more about Microsoft, our technology, and our mission, visit http://bit.ly/2CLgpls #Microsoft #MSBuild #AzureSpeechService
Starbucks Vision Keynote Demo // Microsoft Build 2019
Microsoft Azure technology is helping Starbucks and their baristas deliver great customer experiences from the IoT of coffee machines to AI in the Starbucks mobile app and drive-thru pilots and even tracing beans from farm to store using blockchain. Learn more: http://bit.ly/307yUv1 Subscribe to Microsoft on YouTube here: http://bit.ly/2CJ1lo8 Follow us on social: LinkedIn: http://bit.ly/2C07ZV1 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Microsoft Facebook: http://bit.ly/1YJO1UL Instagram: http://bit.ly/1MrzlUw For more about Microsoft, our technology, and our mission, visit http://bit.ly/2CLgpls #Microsoft #MSBuild #Starbucks #MicrosoftBuild
Microsoft Teams Vision Keynote Demo // Microsoft Build 2019
Microsoft Teams was designed to empower every worker– from the C-suite to the firstline. See how the latest updates in Teams make group collaboration a more inclusive and hassle-free experience. Get started with Teams today at http://bit.ly/2HfDAri Subscribe to Microsoft on YouTube here: http://bit.ly/2CJ1lo8 Follow us on social: LinkedIn: http://bit.ly/2C07ZV1 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Microsoft Facebook: http://bit.ly/1YJO1UL Instagram: http://bit.ly/1MrzlUw For more about Microsoft, our technology, and our mission, visit http://bit.ly/2CLgpls #Microsoft #MSBuild #MicrosoftTeams
Spatial Microsoft Teams Demo // Microsoft Build 2019
Subscribe to Microsoft on YouTube here: http://bit.ly/2CJ1lo8 Follow us on social: LinkedIn: http://bit.ly/2C07ZV1 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Microsoft Facebook: http://bit.ly/1YJO1UL Instagram: http://bit.ly/1MrzlUw For more about Microsoft, our technology, and our mission, visit http://bit.ly/2CLgpls #Microsoft #MSBuild #Spatial
Microsoft Fluid Framework Vision Keynote Demo // Microsoft Build 2019
A sneak preview of how Fluid may change the way you work with Microsoft 365 Apps like Word, Teams, and Outlook, including: • Hyper-fast co-authoring, • AI and Bots that collaborate with you, and • Components that makes it easy to re-use content across tools Learn more: http://bit.ly/2Jk0izZ Subscribe to Microsoft on YouTube here: http://bit.ly/2CJ1lo8 Follow us on social: LinkedIn: http://bit.ly/2C07ZV1 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Microsoft Facebook: http://bit.ly/1YJO1UL Instagram: http://bit.ly/1MrzlUw For more about Microsoft, our technology, and our mission, visit http://bit.ly/2CLgpls
Lenovo ThinkBook 13s/14s Product Tour
Overview of the Lenovo ThinkBook 13s/14s. Equipped with several class-leading features like aluminum exteriors, Smart Power On, Modern Standby, Dolby® Vision and Skype hotkeys. ThinkBook is Built for Business. Designed for You. Learn more at http://www.lenovo.com
ThinkBook 13s 360 Animation
This is a 360-degree rotation for the ThinkBook 13s product.
ThinkBook 14s 360 Animation
This is a 360-degree rotation for the ThinkBook 14s product.
M90n Nano 360 Animation
This is a 360-degree rotation for the M90n Nano product.
ThinkCentre M90n IoT 360 Animation
This is a 360-degree rotation for the ThinkCentre M90n IoT product.
Quantum AI: Fancier isn't always better
ZDNet's Tiernan Ray explains to Karen Roby of TechRepublic that users should be skeptical of current attempts to have quantum computers enhance AI. Read more: https://zd.net/2JhQxmP
The drumbeat to break up Facebook gets louder (The 3:59, Ep. 559)
Plus, CNET had a chat with Google's ad chief. https://cnet.co/2VQbUl6 https://cnet.co/2E8J0T7 Good morning from CNET NY Studios while we record the daily news-bite podcast: The 3:59. Hangout while we cover a multitude of stories from around the tech world and then the CNET staff will take your questions and comments in the chat. Watch more episodes of 3:59 on Youtube: https://bit.ly/29LVP7F Livestream: http://bit.ly/2oFqv2Y Periscope: http://bit.ly/2qU1nTf Twitch: http://bit.ly/2MaQaJt Subscribe to the audio podcast: iTunes: http://apple.co/29T3fbf Google Play: http://bit.ly/2hkXp5P Feedburner: http://bit.ly/2tVTkqw TuneIn: http://bit.ly/2uVg9vN Stitcher: http://bit.ly/2vfeHXE
Microsoft African Development Center
Microsoft have launched the first Africa Development Center in Nairobi, Kenya and Lagos, Nigeria. The ADC will be a premier center of engineering where world class African talent can create innovative solutions for local and global impact. Subscribe to Microsoft on YouTube here: http://bit.ly/2CJ1lo8 Follow us on social: LinkedIn: http://bit.ly/2C07ZV1 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Microsoft Facebook: http://bit.ly/1YJO1UL Instagram: http://bit.ly/1MrzlUw For more about Microsoft, our technology, and our mission, visit http://bit.ly/2CLgpls
Questions for Google after I/O (CNET Top 5)
We've seen a lot of announcements, like the new Pixel 3A, the Nest Hub Max and even exciting Android Q features. But we want to know more. Subscribe to CNET: https://www.youtube.com/user/cnettv Check out our playlists: https://www.youtube.com/user/CNETTV/playlists Download the new CNET app: http://bit.ly/2fmiQ6l Like us on Facebook: http://bit.ly/1930vfU Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/cnet Follow us on Instagram: http://bit.ly/2icCYYm
Get your Game Face On - Danucd's story on streaming
Streamer Danucd tells her story on streaming
Get your Game Face On - Break's story on streaming
Streamer and esports player Break tells his story on streaming
Get your Game Face On - Break's tips for streaming
Streamer and esports player gives his best tips for taking your stream to the next level
Drones: Security and privacy implications for organizations
Drones are drastically transforming a variety of industries today, but they could give rise to a range of privacy and security risks. Read more: https://zd.net/2Hd0EWu
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BenQ PhotoVue Photographer Monitor SW270C Product Introduction Video
BenQ SW270C PhotoVue Photographer monitor is the factory-calibrated monitor to provide you with wide color spaces (Adobe RGB, sRGB/Rec. 709 and DCI-P3/Display P3) and color precision (16-bit 3D LUT and Delta E ≤ 2 in Adobe RGB and sRGB). As more professionals are recording every episode of their work, SW720C supports HDR to bring you the finest details and various video formats to present the real content. Know More About BenQ: http://bit.ly/2VBfeRR
経営方é‡èª¬æ˜Žä¼šï¼ˆ2021ä¸æœŸçµŒå–¶è¨ˆç”»ï¼‰ - 日立
2019å¹´5月10æ—¥ã«é–‹å‚¬ã—ãŸã€æ—¥ç«‹è£½ä½œæ‰€ã€ŒçµŒå–¶æ–¹é‡èª¬æ˜Žä¼šã€(2021ä¸æœŸçµŒå–¶è¨ˆç”»)ã®æ¨¡æ§˜ã‚’ãŠä¼ãˆã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ 詳細ã¯ã“ã¡ã‚‰ã€€http://bit.ly/2Hn2Jza 本動画ã«ãŠã‘る当社ã®ä»Šå¾Œã®è¨ˆç”»ã€è¦‹é€šã—ã€æˆ¦ç•¥ç‰ã®å°†æ¥äºˆæƒ³ã«é–¢ã™ã‚‹èª¬æ˜Žã¯ã€å½“社ãŒæŽ²è¼‰æ™‚点ã§åˆç†çš„ã§ã‚ã‚‹ã¨åˆ¤æ–ã™ã‚‹ä¸€å®šã®å‰æã«åŸºã¥ã„ã¦ãŠã‚Šã€å®Ÿéš›ã®æ¥ç¸¾ç‰ã®çµæžœã¯è¦‹é€šã—ã¨å¤§ããç•°ãªã‚‹ã“ã¨ãŒã‚ã‚Šãˆã¾ã™ã€‚ã¾ãŸã€å½“社ã¯ã“れらã®è³‡æ–™ã‚’ç¾æ™‚点ã§ã®æœ€æ–°æƒ…å ±ã«æ›´æ–°ã™ã‚‹ç¾©å‹™ã‚’è² ã£ã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“。 http://bit.ly/2fuQa9x
Meeting of the 2021 Mid-term Management Plan - Hitachi
This webcasts is Hitachi, Ltd.’s meeting of the 2021 Mid-term Management Plan. For details, please visit the following website. http://bit.ly/2VzN5dE This is simultaneous English interpretation from the original presentation and Q&A session in Japanese. Please be aware that there might be some errors in the interpretation. Certain statements found in this document may constitute “forward-looking statements†as defined in the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such “forward-looking statements†reflect management's current views with respect to certain future events and financial performance and include any statement that does not directly relate to any historical or current fact. Words such as “anticipate,†“believe,†“expect,†“estimate,†“forecast,†“intend,†“plan,†“project†and similar expressions which indicate future events and trends may identify “forward-looking statements.†Such statements are based on currently available information and are subject to various risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected or implied in the “forward-looking statements†and from historical trends. Certain “forward-looking statements†are based upon current assumptions of future events which may not prove to be accurate. Undue reliance should not be placed on “forward-looking statements,†as such statements speak only as of the date of this webcast. http://bit.ly/2rgg5nb
æ—¥ç«‹é›†å›¢å®£ä¼ ç‰‡ - 日立
本视频是介ç»æ—¥ç«‹é›†å›¢æ¦‚è¦çš„å®£ä¼ ç‰‡ã€ŠBehind the Name Hitachi》。 该视频展现了日立集团历å²ã€å…¨çƒåŒ–å‘展历程ã€ä»¥åŠä½œä¸ºIoT时代创新型åˆä½œä¼™ä¼´çš„ä¼ä¸šå§¿æ€ã€‚ http://bit.ly/1W22oCu
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