Endless Supplies Corporation liefert weltweit, bietet Angebote am selben Tag und enthält CPUs, Speichergeräte, Notebooks, Server, Monitore, Büroausstattung, Computer, Motherboards, Grafikkarten, Displays, Wireless Networking, Cases, Unterhaltungselektronik, Software und mehr. E-Procurement-Systeme für B2B, B2G und B2C. Mailen Sie uns heute.
Matrox Extio 3 IP KVM extenders deliver 4Kp60 4:4:4 or quad 1080p60 4:4:4 at low bitrate over standard Gigabit Ethernet for scalable KVM matrix switching. Compatible with COTS network switches, plus industry-standard software and hardware, Extio 3 simplifies integration in any installation, and is ideally suited to industrial automation and control, healthcare, transportation, military, defence, government, broadcasting and post-production industries and applications. Royalty free music licensed by www.stockmusic.net For new videos, subscribe here! https://www.youtube.com/user/thematro... Follow our AV over IP Solutions LinkedIn Showcase pages http://ift.tt/2tihluW Follow our Video Wall Solutions LinkedIn Showcase pages http://ift.tt/2rZkhbO Follow us on LinkedIn: http://ift.tt/2tixAYG Find out more about Matrox: http://ift.tt/12i5KWq Subscribe to our newsletter: http://ift.tt/2tihlLs
by TheMatroxGraphics via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
The search giant was found to breach antitrust rules by favoring its own shopping service in search results. Subscribe to CNET: http://cnet.co/2heRhep Check out our playlists: http://cnet.co/2g8kcf4 Like us on Facebook: http://ift.tt/1930vfU Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/cnet Follow us on Instagram: http://bit.ly/2icCYYm Add us on Snapchat: http://cnet.co/2h4uoK3
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Just another way the online retailer and device maker is beating its competition. http://ift.tt/2sfAnNQ If you've got multiple Amazon Echo devices throughout your home, you'll soon be able to use them as a connected intercom. Amazon just launched the feature today across the original Echo, Echo Dot and its new screen-toting Echo Show. We heard last month that the intercom capability was in the works, and it seemed like a given once Amazon brought hands-free calling and messaging across the Echo family. The company is rolling out the feature over the next few days, but be sure to update your Alexa app to access it. Subscribe to Engadget on YouTube: http://engt.co/subscribe Get More Engadget: • Like us on Facebook: http://ift.tt/1k1iCZT • Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/engadget • Follow us on Instagram: http://ift.tt/1k1iCZV • Add us on Snapchat: http://ift.tt/1UqS18a • Read more: http://www.engadget.com Engadget is the definitive guide to this connected life.
by Engadget via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
Cities across the world are increasingly focused on eliminating crash-related injuries and fatalities. Data can be a powerful resource in these efforts to make streets safer. Microsoft partnered with DataKind, which recently completed the Vision Zero Labs Project. This effort worked to develop valuable analytical models and tools to help the cities of New York, Seattle and New Orleans further their work to increase road safety. Learn more about DataKind here: http://ift.tt/116Om5I
by Microsoft via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
As part of its three-year tech-integration partnership with Microsoft, NASCAR continues to digitally transform its race management via new video integration and innovations like Surface Dial.
by Microsoft via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
'Despicable Me 3' stars Steve Carell and Kristen Wiig take the WIRED Autocomplete Interview and answer the Internet's most searched questions about themselves. Still haven’t subscribed to WIRED on YouTube? ►► http://wrd.cm/15fP7B7 CONNECT WITH WIRED Web: http://wired.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/WIRED Facebook: http://ift.tt/1dBz3Oa Pinterest: http://ift.tt/1JeJD7O Google+: http://ift.tt/1Ch4gR7 Instagram: http://ift.tt/1lUgynY Tumblr: http://WIRED.tumblr.com Want even more? Subscribe to The Scene: http://bit.ly/subthescene ABOUT WIRED WIRED is where tomorrow is realized. Through thought-provoking stories and videos, WIRED explores the future of business, innovation, and culture. Steve Carell & Kristen Wiig Answer the Web's Most Searched Questions | WIRED
by WIRED via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
Kingsley Coman hat Ärger mit der Justiz. Der Offensivspieler des FC Bayern wurde nach einem tätlichen Angriff gegen seine Ex-Freundin festgesetzt. Der Grund für die Attacke soll ein Vorkommnis bei Instagram sein.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News
Wehrpflicht-Abschaffung, Energiewende, Grenzöffnung – und nun die Ehe für alle. Wieder einmal gibt Parteichefin Merkel eine Kernposition der Union auf. Wieder einmal aus Furcht, ins Abseits zu geraten.
by Robin Alexander via Endless Supplies .De - News
Mit der richtigen Ausbildung und einem Job in der richtigen Branche kann man in Deutschland mehr als 100.000 Euro verdienen – man muss nur die Weichen rechtzeitig stellen. Wir verraten, wie das geht.
by Daniel Eckert via Endless Supplies .De - News
Zum zweiten Mal in zwei Monaten breitet sich ein Erpressungstrojaner rasant weltweit aus. In der Tschernobyl-Ruine muss die Radioaktivität manuell gemessen werden. Auch deutsche Unternehmen sind betroffen.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News
Ob Champions League, Bundesliga oder Europa League: Livefußball im deutschen Fernsehen wird revolutioniert. Auf den Kunden kommen Kanal-Chaos und bis zu 510 Euro Kosten zu. Hier unser Überblick über Verträge und Sender.
by Sven Flohr via Endless Supplies .De - News
The Internet of Things is altering our society. We’ll see innovations in medical care, manufacturing, and utility services, among other advances. But for the IoT to truly fulfill its promise, it must be secured. Cisco IoT Threat Defense blends our security architecture and services to help you defend your IoT devices and keep your business running. Learn More: http://cs.co/60598opzt
by Cisco via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
Jamboard is a cloud-based collaborative whiteboard, allowing people to sketch out ideas and inspire one another. And like G Suite, you’ll collaborate easier on projects. In this episode, Riya and Drea cover the basics of how G Suite integrates with Jamboard. You're able to pull files from your Drive, including Docs, Slides, Sheets, images, PDF's, etc. If you want to highlight one particular slide from a deck, just double tap and grab that slide as if it was an image. It's also easy to integrate with Hangouts and have another team join the Jam. It is a seamless process that allows you to brainstorm and collaborate together! For more information on how G Suite integrates with Jamboard, check out the article here: http://ift.tt/2qdigIb Want to take full advantage of the existing The G Suite Show video library? Check out the following resources: - Check out our searchable library: https://goo.gl/SK6ENo - Ask access to our Google Drive: https://goo.gl/MGJ2Dv. You’ll have access to all scripts and videos in mp4 format, so you can create your own training resources!
by G Suite via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
Watch more from CNET News - http://cnet.co/2tTH1LG The world didn't learn its lesson from WannaCry. Unpatched Windows PCs are locking up across the globe, bringing many government systems and businesses to a halt. Subscribe to CNET: http://cnet.co/2heRhep Check out our playlists: http://cnet.co/2g8kcf4 Like us on Facebook: http://ift.tt/1930vfU Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/cnet Follow us on Instagram: http://bit.ly/2icCYYm Add us on Snapchat: http://cnet.co/2h4uoK3
by CNET via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
Jump in and take some laps with 3x world champ wakeboarder, Brett Powell. Shot, Edited, Stabilized, Augmented and Uploaded all with Garmin VIRB 360 and Garmin’s free editing tool, VIRB Edit. For the best viewing experience, we recommend you watch 360 videos in the YouTube app on a mobile device or tablet. To view interactive 360 YouTube videos on a desktop, you’ll need Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Edge. If it’s worth remembering, it’s worth a VIRB 360. Find out more about the VIRB 360 here: Garmin.com/VIRB *Stabilization only available for videos stitched in camera • 360-DEGREE, 5.7K/30fps Don’t miss a thing. • 4K SPHERICAL STABILIZATION Easily create a smooth, stable video. Stabilization is applied using VIRB® mobile app or VIRB Edit desktop software and is only available for videos stitched in-camera. • 360-DEGREE SPATIAL AUDIO Change your listening perspective, change your experience. • IN-CAMERA STITCHING AT 4K/30fps Ready to share instantly. • G-METRIX™ DATA OVERLAYS Prove how fast, high, and far you went. Augmented reality overlays require mobile or desktop VIRB App before sharing. • CONTROL WITH ONE TOUCH Or use voice control. Voice control available for English (U.S., U.K.) French, Italian, German, Spanish, Swedish, Japanese, and Mandarin
by Garmin via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
„So viel Geld habe ich vorher noch nie gesehen!“: Jeden Abend sieht ein Auszubildender, wie im Büro seines Möbelhauses das Geld gezählt wird. Ein Freund schlägt beim Bier einen Überfall vor. Aus der Spinnerei wird bitterer Ernst.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News
Weil die Fassadendämmung der beim Londoner Grenfell Tower ähnelt, lassen die Behörden ein Wuppertaler Hochhaus evakuieren. Die Bewohner sollen zurückkehren, sobald die Fassadendämmung entfernt ist.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News
Deutschland ist in Europa der stärkste Magnet für Zuwanderer. Das bestätigt ein EU-Report. Die Zuwanderung nach Deutschland kann durchaus Vorteile haben.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News
Mückenplage, Fotografierverbot, missachtete Dresscodes und unfruchtbar machende Sonnencremes – wer hat behauptet, dass der Sommer die schönste Zeit des Jahres ist? Unser Autor jedenfalls nicht.
by Peter Praschl via Endless Supplies .De - News
Die Rolle als abgehalfterter Rocker in „Tatsächlich Liebe“ brachte Bill Nighy den Durchbruch – da war er schon Mitte 50. Heute gilt der 67-jährige als Inbegriff der Coolness - dabei könnten seine Memoiren „peinlich“ werden.
by Clara Ott via Endless Supplies .De - News
Rekordstrafe für Google: Der US-Internetkonzern habe mit seinem Online-Shoppingdienst das Wettbewerbsrecht verletzt, hießt es in einer Erklärung der EU-Kommission. Google kündigte an, in Berufung zu gehen.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News
Das ist für viele Fans ein Schock: Wer alle Bundesligaspiele sehen will, muss ab der nächsten Saison zwei kostenpflichtige Anbieter abonnieren. Einer davon im Internet.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News
Als er von dem Richterspruch in London hörte, rief er sofort bei seinem ehemaligen Trainer an, berichtet der Tennisstar Novak Djokovic. Er bot Boris Becker seine Hilfe an: „Ich liebe Boris als Person.“
by via Endless Supplies .De - News
Nach dem YouTube-Erfolg von „Die Rekruten“ werden bald Soldatinnen und Soldaten im Alltag gezeigt. Zudem kooperiert das Verteidigungsministerium mit RTL2. Die Linkspartei geißelt das als „einseitige Propaganda“.
by Sabine Menkens via Endless Supplies .De - News
Die YouTube-Serie „Die Rekruten“ wurde für die Bundeswehr im letzten Jahr zum Überraschungserfolg. Das Verteidigungsministerium hat eine Fortsetzung bestellt. Die neue Serie soll Soldatinnen und Soldaten im Alltag zeigen.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News
Armin Laschet steht quasi mit einem Bein schon in der Staatskanzlei. Bereits vor seiner Wahl zum NRW-Ministerpräsidenten weiß er: Mit Schwarz-Gelb will er auch nach 2022 weiterregieren.
by Yuriko Wahl-Immel via Endless Supplies .De - News
Die Bemühungen, die Hochschulen zum Sprungbrett für den Bildungsaufstieg zu machen, laufen ins Leere. Die Mitte gerät in Bedrängnis. Selbst Facharbeiter haben es schwer, ihren Kindern ein Studium zu finanzieren.
by Thomas Vitzthum via Endless Supplies .De - News
Für die EU-Kommission hat der Suchmaschinen-Betreiber Google seine Marktmacht missbraucht. Sie spricht eine Kartellstrafe aus, die doppelt so hoch ist wie die bisherige Rekordmarke. Der US-Gigant prüft eine Berufung.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News
Auf Pferderennen wetten, am Automaten Geld verzocken, ins Kasino gehen: Glücksspielsucht hat viele Gesichter. Besonders betroffen sind junge Männer mit ausländischen Wurzeln - aus mehreren Gründen.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News
Die SPD will eine Abstimmung im Bundestag über die „Ehe für alle“ noch in dieser Woche. Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel hatte sich für das Thema offen gezeigt, will aber erst nach der Wahl abstimmen lassen.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News
Der Berliner Alexanderplatz ist einer der gefährlichsten Orte der Hauptstadt. In der Nacht zu Dienstag eskalierte hier ein Streit – drei Personen wurden verletzt, mehrere Männer festgenommen.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News
Wer kann den Absturz von 1860 München stoppen? Der Traditionsklub startet in der vierten Liga neu, der ungeliebte Investor Ismaik aber bleibt an Bord. Jens Lehmann soll dabei helfen, ihn loszuwerden.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News
Tad Carpenter – a well-known American designer, illustrator, author and teacher is the host of the Kodak Press On video blog series. Here we showcase printers from around the globe that are making the world a better place through print. In this episode Tad visits Il Sole 24 Ore, an Italian financial newspaper and Kodak customer who is proving day in and day out that newsprint remains globally vital. We see how Kodak products are helping Il Sole 24 Ore produce a cost-effective, high quality paper that keeps their readers – and advertisers – coming back for more. http://ift.tt/2rZ5odu
by Eastman Kodak via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
See out how the Dell EMC Data Protection portfolio protects data everywhere with cloud-enabled solutions purpose-built for your workloads.
by Dell via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
Drop In, a feature in the new Echo Show touchscreen/smart speaker, could theoretically invite in unexpected visitors. Let's all slow down and take a breath. Subscribe to CNET: http://cnet.co/2heRhep Check out our playlists: http://cnet.co/2g8kcf4 Like us on Facebook: http://ift.tt/1930vfU Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/cnet Follow us on Instagram: http://bit.ly/2icCYYm Add us on Snapchat: http://cnet.co/2h4uoK3
by CNET via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
Cisco Live 2017: Innovation Showcase - Join Susie Wee as she shares some of these exciting innovations and learn the art of the possible where infrastructure meets apps.
by Cisco via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
Cisco Live 2017: Innovation Showcase - Welcome to the new business reality where every company – regardless of industry, product, service, or size – must learn to express itself through software.
by Cisco via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
Cisco Live 2017: Innovation Showcase - We’ll show you how Cisco Spark has increased productivity, communication and employee satisfaction with real use cases -- all in a secure, compliant IT environment.
by Cisco via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
http://ift.tt/2se7bf1 Kingston’s KC1000 Solid-state Drive is a high-performance PCIe NVMe™ solution that is over 2x faster than SATA-based SSDs and 40x faster than a 7200RPM hard-disk drive*. Using a PCIe Gen 3.0 x4 interface and an 8-channel Phison PS5007-E7 controller, this drive features 4 cores and 2x the DRAM to help power users blaze through even the toughest projects with high-speed data transfers of up to 2700MB/s*. KC1000 uses native OS drivers and is NVMe 1.2 compliant which allows users to take full advantage of the high throughput, IOPS and low latency that is available to systems that support NVMe. This protocol was designed specifically to support Flash-based storage versus SATA which was developed for traditional spinning disks. It removes performance bottlenecks and allows the system instant access to the device once the SSD is installed. KC1000 is easily installed in either a standard M.2 or PCI Express socket using the M.2 2280 or the half-height, half-length add-in card for greater design-in flexibility when used by system builders. There is a range of capacities available from 240GB to 960GB**, and the KC1000 is backed by a limited five-year warranty*** and legendary Kingston support. * Based on “out-of-box performance†using a SATA Rev 3.0 / PCIe 3.0 motherboard. Speed may vary due to host hardware, software, and usage. IOMETER Random 4K Read/Write is based on 8GB partition. ** Some of the listed capacity on a Flash storage device is used for formatting and other functions and thus is not available for data storage. As such, the actual available capacity for data storage is less than what is listed on the products. For more information, go to Kingston’s Flash Memory Guide at http://ift.tt/19HkKSw. *** Limited warranty based on 5 years or “SSD Life Remaining†which can be found using the Kingston SSD Manager (http://ift.tt/1IS6pac). A new, unused product will show a wear indicator value of one hundred (100), whereas a product that has reached its endurance limit of program erase cycles will show a wear indicator value of one (1). See Kingston.com/wa for details. Subscribe to Kingston: https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=KingstonTechMemory
by Kingston Technology via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
Now you're playing with (tiny) POWER! We talk about Nintendo's latest nostalgia bomb, brave into the iOS11 beta and discuss Google's massive fine. Super NES Classic: http://cnet.co/2sia7T6 iOS11 public beta: http://cnet.co/2rYbiaQ Google EU fine: http://cnet.co/2tS8hdH Good morning from CNET NY Studios while we record the daily news-bite podcast: The 3:59. Hangout while we cover a multitude of stories from around the tech world and then Roger Cheng and Ben Fox Rubin will take your questions and comments in the chat. Watch more episodes of 3:59 on Youtube: http://bit.ly/29LVP7F Livestream: http://ift.tt/2sd94Yk Periscope: http://ift.tt/2qU1nTf Subscribe to CNET: http://bit.ly/17qqqCs Watch more CNET videos: http://bit.ly/1BQxrGw Follow CNET on Twitter: http://twitter.com/CNET Follow CNET on Facebook: http://ift.tt/UQQ9wc Follow CNET on Instagram: http://ift.tt/1YieDuO
by CNET via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
Ten years ago, CNET came together to review the original iPhone the night it was released. Editor Kent German remembers what it was like. Subscribe to CNET: http://cnet.co/2heRhep Check out our playlists: http://cnet.co/2g8kcf4 Like us on Facebook: http://ift.tt/1930vfU Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/cnet Follow us on Instagram: http://bit.ly/2icCYYm Add us on Snapchat: http://cnet.co/2h4uoK3
by CNET via Endless Supplies .De - Brands
Das Bußgeld der EU gegen den US-Konzern ist richtig, denn das innovative Unternehmen muss lernen: Markt ist nicht gleich Marktdominanz. Kleinere Wettbewerber haben auch ihre Rechte.
by Christian Meier via Endless Supplies .De - News