Dienstag, 11. Juli 2017

Canon Two Minute Tips: Print Studio Intro

Two Minute tips will help to answer frequently asked questions about Pro photography and printing. Each video will cover a different and interesting topic that will aid in the success of a photographer.
by CanonUSA via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

Canon Two Minute Tips: 8 BIT VS 16 BIT

Two Minute tips will help to answer frequently asked questions about Pro photography and printing. Each video will cover a different and interesting topic that will aid in the success of a photographer.
by CanonUSA via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

Canon Two Minute Tips: Black and White Printing

Two Minute tips will help to answer frequently asked questions about Pro photography and printing. Each video will cover a different and interesting topic that will aid in the success of a photographer.
by CanonUSA via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

Cisco HDX Solves KLCC Wireless Network Issue

KLCC IT Manager Richard Soo shared his story of how a wireless network issue affected his personal life and how he overcame the issue.
by Cisco via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

Behind-the-Scenes at the NBA Draft

Check out what happened behind the scenes at this year’s NBA draft, and see how Cisco technology was front and center in the excitement.
by Cisco via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

Audi's newest car will have level-3 autonomy | Engadget Today

The A8 luxury sedan will be semi-autonomous up to 37 mph. http://ift.tt/2u8gkFs After a sneak peak of the vehicle parking itself and appearing in Spider-Man: Homecoming, the Audi A8 luxury sedan is finally being shown off in all its high-tech glory. With level 3 autonomy, active electronic suspension, a mild hybrid engine and brand new infotainment system, it's the future of the German automaker's vehicles. Subscribe to Engadget on YouTube: http://engt.co/subscribe Get More Engadget: • Like us on Facebook: http://ift.tt/1k1iCZT • Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/engadget • Follow us on Instagram: http://ift.tt/1k1iCZV • Add us on Snapchat: http://ift.tt/1UqS18a • Read more: http://www.engadget.com Engadget is the definitive guide to this connected life.
by Engadget via Endless Supplies .De - Brands


Lithium Cycles is a maker of e-bikes and is based out of Tustin, California. The Super 73 Scout weighs about the same as regular bikes, can be secured using the same locks, but has a lower learning curve than say, an electric skateboard. It’s fast, with a top speed of 20mph and a range of 40 miles. It’s available for pre-order now, at $1,395 and ships in December.
by TechCrunch via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

Garner Food Company: Turning up the heat with Microsoft 365 Business

"We need creativity to push that next thing. We use Microsoft 365 Business, it’s all the things we need in one place." Heyward Garner, Chief Operating Officer
by Microsoft via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

Der IS 2.0 könnte noch gefährlicher werden

Die Terrormiliz IS wurde, auch dank al-Baghdadis moderner Propagandamaschine, zum „Pop-Phänomen“ des radikalen Islam. Weder der mögliche Tod des „Kalifen“ noch der Verlust weiterer Landstriche bedeuten ein baldiges Ende des IS.
by Clemens Wergin. Washington via Endless Supplies .De - News

Eine Familie ertrinkt. Badegäste retten sie mit ungewöhnlicher Idee

In Florida kam eine ganze Familie zwei kleinen Jungs zu Hilfe, um sie vor dem Ertrinken zu retten. Doch die Helfer unterschätzen die Kraft der Strömung. Ein Martyrium im Golf von Mexiko begann.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News

Dritter Gewaltfall in zwei Tagen – Frau vor S-Bahn gestoßen

Es ist der dritte Fall von Gewalt im Berliner Nahverkehr in nur zwei Tagen: Eine Frau wurde vor die S-Bahn gestoßen. Jetzt ermittelt die Mordkommission wegen eines versuchten Tötungsdeliktes.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News

Mega-Milliarden-Plan gegen Deutschlands Exportkraft

BGA-Präsident Anton Börner verteidigt zwar die deutsche Exportstärke. Doch ganz wohl ist ihm damit nicht. Und deshalb wirbt er für eine europäische Lösung. Die Kosten für die Steuerzahler wären immens.
by Nikolaus Doll via Endless Supplies .De - News

Als Erdogan das Wort „Gerechtigkeit“ entglitt

Hunderttausende haben in der Türkei gegen den Präsidenten demonstriert. Viele Menschen schöpfen Hoffnung. Unsere Autorin war dabei – und schildert das Ringen um ein für Erdogan so wichtiges Wort.
by Pinar Ögünc, Istanbul via Endless Supplies .De - News

X11 Product Loop

by Supermicro Page via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

Die Burka ist kein Menschenrecht

Erneut hat ein Gericht bestätigt, dass der Staat die Vollverschleierung des Gesichts verbieten darf. Viele Länder Europas haben das bereits umgesetzt. Nur die Bundesregierung ist hasenfüßig.
by Dirk Schümer via Endless Supplies .De - News

Dieses Video bricht jetzt den ewigen „Gangnam Style“-Rekord

Die unglaubliche Zahl von 2,894 Milliarden Klicks erreichte der Südkoreaner Psy bei YouTube mit seinem Hit „Gangnam Style“. Fast zwei Millionen Zuschauer mehr konnte jetzt ein anderes Video für sich verbuchen.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News

Der Ort, an dem die Legenden entstehen

Blick in den Maschinenraum des Serienzeitalters: „Game of Thrones“, das erfolgreichste Epos unserer Zeit, geht weiter. Auch die neue Staffel entstand in einem Writers’ Room. Was ist das für ein Ort?
by Peter Praschl via Endless Supplies .De - News

Die Bundeswehreinheit für die brenzligen Situationen

Seit 1996 gibt es das Kommando Spezialkräfte der Bundeswehr, so viel ist bekannt. Ansonsten üben sich die Mitglieder der Spezialeinheit in Geheimhaltung. Selbst die Truppenstärke ist nicht bekannt.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News

Caracciola gewinnt Grand Prix von Deutschland

Am 11. Juli 1926 siegt der Rennfahrer Rudolf Caracciola auf Mercedes Benz beim ersten Großen Preis von Deutschland und legt den Grundstein für weitere spektakuläre Siege im Automobilsport.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News

Plötzlich muss Schulz die Schwachstelle der SPD verteidigen

Die Versäumnisse von Parteivize Scholz in Hamburg bringen den SPD-Kanzlerkandidaten in Bedrängnis. Das Thema innere Sicherheit trifft die SPD an einer schwachen Stelle. Das ist höchst gefährlich in Zeiten des Terrors.
by Daniel Friedrich Sturm, Ingolstadt, München via Endless Supplies .De - News

„Ich kann aus Bayern sagen, wir lassen sowas nicht zu“

Bayerns Innenminister Herrmann hat von den Ländern gefordert, gegen linke Hausbesetzer vorzugehen, um Eskalationen wie in Hamburg zu verhindern. Zudem müssten mehr Polizeistellen geschaffen werden.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News

Die Sonys Alpha 9 kann mit den Top-DSLRs mithalten

Extrem schnell, extrem lichtempfindlich: Sonys Alpha 9 ist die erste Systemkamera, die es mit Top-Spiegelreflexmodellen von Canon und Nikon aufnehmen kann. Ob sie eine Alternative ist, zeigt der Test.
by Sven Schulz via Endless Supplies .De - News

Martin Schulz tingelt über bayerische Feuerwehrfeste

Kanzlerkandidat Martin Schulz tourt derzeit durch Bayern: Stadtwerke, Fabriken, Feuerwehrfeste, das Ãœbliche. Die SPD hat es in Bayern nicht leicht: Nach aktuellen Umfragen liegen sie dort bei rund 20 Prozent.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News

„Weiterer Schritt zum Umbau weg vom Stahl“

Bis zu 2500 Stellen will ThyssenKrupp in der Verwaltung streichen. Wegen der schwankenden Rohstoffpreise will das Unternehmen weg vom Stahlhandel, meint Börsenstratege Ulrich W. Hanke.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News

Unbekannter stößt Mann brutal die U-Bahn-Treppe hinunter

Erneut kam es in Berlin zu einen Zwischenfall in einer U-Bahn-Station. Laut Polizei wurde ein Mann von hinten gegen den Kopf geschlagen. Bilder von Überwachungskameras zeigen den Täter.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News

Das Haus am Wannsee ist die Schule der Segel-Champions

Der Verein Seglerhaus am Wannsee ist der zweitälteste Deutschlands, in diesen Tagen wird er 150 Jahre alt. Wer zu Besuch kommt, spürt die Tradition und trifft gleichzeitig Sieger von morgen.
by Tatjana Pokorny via Endless Supplies .De - News

Geschlagener Nadal zeigt heldenhafte Größe

Um 20.36 Uhr Ortszeit stand ein 13:15 auf der Anzeigetafel – aus Sicht des klaren Favoriten Rafael Nadal. Der Spanier grämte sich zwar sehr, zeigte sich aber danach als wahrhaft großer Champion.
by Adrian Rehling via Endless Supplies .De - News

„Die Engländer wollen raus, wir wollen rein“

Artur Mas ist Vorkämpfer der Abspaltung Kataloniens. Weil er ein Referendum abhielt, musste er als Premier abtreten. Nun plant er eine neue Volksabstimmung – und schwärmt von seinem „Dänemark am Mittelmeer“.
by Hildegard Stausberg via Endless Supplies .De - News

Ibrahimovic gibt Erlaubnis für „Gottes“ Rückennummer

Nach dem Transfertheater um den 85-Millionen-Euro-Neuzugang von Manchester United, hat dieser nachgefragt, ob er Ibrahimovic‘ alte Trikotnummer bekommen könne. Seiner Mutter wird das nicht gefallen.
by via Endless Supplies .De - News

The PowerEdge R940 Rack Server

The Dell EMC PowerEdge R940, our highest performing, four socket, server, is designed for extremely demanding, mission critical workloads. Learn more at http://ift.tt/2rLCAAr
by Dell via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

The PowerEdge R640 Rack Server

The PowerEdge R640 is a two socket, slim rack server for dense, scale-out data center computing and storage. Learn more at http://ift.tt/2rLCAAr
by Dell via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

Connecting rural communities with affordable broadband

Microsoft is using part of the wireless spectrum to provide broadband coverage over vast distances at a fraction of the typical cost. Learn more: http://ift.tt/2ueeOCJ
by Microsoft via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

Microsoft wants to bring broadband to millions of rural Americans

The company announces its intention to turn unused TV signals into high-speed internet in a dozen states. Subscribe to CNET: http://cnet.co/2heRhep Check out our playlists: http://cnet.co/2g8kcf4 Like us on Facebook: http://ift.tt/1930vfU Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/cnet Follow us on Instagram: http://bit.ly/2icCYYm Add us on Snapchat: http://cnet.co/2h4uoK3
by CNET via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

Advanced Servers Accelerated Business.

Meet modern data center challenges with the scalability, intelligent automation and integrated security in the latest Dell EMC PowerEdge servers. Strengthen the foundation of your data center with new Dell EMC PowerEdge servers. Meet modern challenges with the scalability, intelligent automation and integrated security that these advanced, next-generation servers offer.
by Dell via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

CNET women react to their worst comments

Read the full story (http://ift.tt/2v7Jrq1) and check out CNET's "iHate: Intolerance Takes Over the Internet" package (http://ift.tt/2sM6xla). Subscribe to CNET: http://cnet.co/2heRhep Check out our playlists: http://cnet.co/2g8kcf4 Like us on Facebook: http://ift.tt/1930vfU Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/cnet Follow us on Instagram: http://bit.ly/2icCYYm Add us on Snapchat: http://cnet.co/2h4uoK3
by CNET via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

Carnegie Mellon designed an inexpensive way to help robots 'feel' objects

Fingervision is robot skin made from cheap, off-the-shelf components. The setup uses clear silicone wrap, 3D printed grippers and a $50 camera. Read more: http://ift.tt/2tr13xi TechCrunch is a leading technology media property, dedicated to obsessively profiling startups, reviewing new Internet products, and breaking tech news. Subscribe to TechCrunch today: http://bit.ly/18J0X2e
by TechCrunch via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

Advanced Servers Accelerated Business.

Meet modern data center challenges with the scalability, intelligent automation and integrated security in the latest Dell EMC PowerEdge servers. Strengthen the foundation of your data center with new Dell EMC PowerEdge servers. Meet modern challenges with the scalability, intelligent automation and integrated security that these advanced, next-generation servers offer. Learn more : http://ift.tt/2egVhGv
by Dell via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

Ticwatch S & E | Hands-On

Subscribe to Engadget on YouTube: http://engt.co/subscribe Get More Engadget: • Like us on Facebook: http://ift.tt/1k1iCZT • Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/engadget • Follow us on Instagram: http://ift.tt/1k1iCZV • Add us on Snapchat: http://ift.tt/1UqS18a • Read more: http://www.engadget.com Engadget is the definitive guide to this connected life.
by Engadget via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

Thermaltake Core G21 Tempered Glass Edition Mid-Tower Chassis Build Video

Expect More from Your Case! Build better with the Core G21 Tempered Glass Edition featuring premium dual 4mm tempered glass panels. New TG Safe Glass mounting system gives each glass panel a place to sit for a risk free way to secure the panels protected with rubber mounts. Clean up your cables for a professional look with a full length power supply cover and add more with additional storage options. Supporting up to a 360mm Radiator, the Core G21 packs in the cooling performance with room for DIY LCS, 120/140mm fan options and proper ventilation for a cool experience. Buy at: http://ift.tt/2tt43vD TT Build Products: 1. Core G21 TG Chassis - http://bit.ly/2sXEUK5 2. Riing Plus 12 RGB Fans – http://bit.ly/2sXCYRM 3. Floe 360 Riing RGB AIO 4. Smart White 600W PSU - http://bit.ly/2tGzHDG 5. TT Mod Sleeve Cables (Black/White) - http://bit.ly/2tH61WS 6. TT AM4 Bracket Kit - http://bit.ly/2sXCZ86 Join the discussion on Thermaltake's Social channels! Tt Community Forums: http://ift.tt/1TERHWS Facebook: http://ift.tt/2qnCHG5 Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/thermaltake Instagram: http://ift.tt/2qYlwI0
by Thermaltakereview via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

X11 Product Loop

by Supermicro Page via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

Supermicro Rack Scale Design

by Supermicro Page via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

Videoflash: FUJITSU Server PRIMEQUEST 3800B

Superior performance and reliability for business-critical workloads with optimized economics The FUJITSU Server PRIMEQUEST 3800B is the prime system for business-critical computing that offers superior performance and reliability with optimized economics. This 8-socket rack server combines the flexibility and economic benefits of x86 industry standard systems with business-critical uptime features. Featuring the latest Intel® Xeon® Platinum Scalable Family processors with each up to 28 cores for a total of 224 cores, this server delivers superior compute performance leading to efficient business results. With high capacity 12TB DDR4 memory at 2666 MT/s, populated over 96 DIMM slots, the system can support large amounts of data for in-memory databases such as SAP HANA® and real-time data analytics.
by Fujitsu Global via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

Videoflash: FUJITSU Server PRIMERGY CX400 M4

Workload-specific power in a modular form factor The FUJITSU Server PRIMERGY CX400 M4 helps to provide a scalable IT infrastructure enabling flexible and fast response to rapidly changing IT demands. The CX400 M4 is a modular enclosure for the Fujitsu scale-out ecosystem that combines the density and efficiency of blade-like servers with the simplicity and cost benefits of rack-based systems. The 2U enclosure allows gradual adding or removing up to 4 compact nodes as required by the business needs. The enclosure allows nodes and components to share power, cooling and management. It houses hot-plug and redundant power supply units, hot-plug and redundant fan modules as well as provides space for up to 24 storage drives.
by Fujitsu Global via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

Ticket to the Future

Imagine the future of travel with Fujitsu.
by Fujitsu Global via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

Serve the computing demands of a digital world

The key requirements for a future-proof server architecture typically differ depending on the type of workload. And our new server innovations are following exactly this trend. The new PRIMERGY as well as the PRIMEQUEST servers will probably represent one of the biggest platform enhancements in this decade. They will provide a significant performance increase combined with a rich feature set and are therefore designed for exceptional workload-optimized performance.
by Fujitsu Global via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

Videoflash: FUJITSU Server PRIMERGY RX2540 M4

The data center standard without compromise The FUJITSU Server PRIMERGY RX2540 M4 sets higher standards for usability, scalability and cost-efficiency. It is a 2U dual-socket rack server ideal for running enterprise applications, collaboration and messaging workloads as well as traditional databases. Plus, it substantially simplifies carrying out infrastructure-related tasks like server virtualization and consolidation. As one of the key innovations, versatile performance is guaranteed by a new generation of processors. The PRIMERGY RX2540 M4 can be equipped with two of the latest Intel® Xeon® Processor Scalable Family CPUs with up to 28 cores each. Along with DDR4 memory technology with up to 3TB it boosts application performance to be able to cope with the increasing data growth and shortens time to business results.
by Fujitsu Global via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

Videoflash: FUJITSU Server PRIMERGY RX4770 M4

Power for the backend of digitalization The FUJITSU Server PRIMERGY RX4770 M4 is an industry-standard x86 system with four sockets, providing superior levels of performance, scalability and efficiency. This combination turns the server into the ideal platform for running databases and transactional applications, business intelligence (BI) workloads, back-end and in-memory databases, as well as data-intensive applications. Plus, it substantially simplifies carrying out infrastructure-related tasks like server virtualization and consolidation. Featuring the latest Intel® Xeon® Scalable family processors with each up to 28 cores pushes this server to a whole new level of compute performance to deliver more efficient business results.
by Fujitsu Global via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

Videoflash: FUJITSU Server PRIMERGY RX2530 M4

Maximum productivity in a 1U housing The FUJITSU Server PRIMERGY RX2530 M4 is a rack server that provides high performance, expandability and energy efficiency in a 1U space saving housing. The PRIMERGY RX2530 M4 is ideal for virtualization, scale-out scenarios, and small databases as well as for high performance computing thanks to the high performance of the new Intel® Xeon® Processor Scalable Family CPUs with up to 28 cores and the latest DDR4 memory technology. Moreover, the RX2530 M4 delivers a great expandability by supporting up to 3,072 GB of main memory and is future-proof with M.2 device support and the latest iRMC S5 for server management of the next generation.
by Fujitsu Global via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

ViewSonic x Lassiz I XG2530 240Hz Esports Monitor

Twitch streamer / Overwatch Grand Master Lassiz gives you a first look at his new ViewSonic XG2530 240Hz esports monitor. --- Follow ViewSonic Gaming: Facebook: http://ift.tt/2sM88rg... Twitter: https://twitter.com/viewsonicgaming Website: http://ift.tt/2u5dUYV Follow Lassiz: Twitter: https://twitter.com/Lassiz4 Twitch: http://ift.tt/1UstXXF
by ViewSonicVideo via Endless Supplies .De - Brands

XG2530 240Hz Esports Monitor Product Features

Take control of your match! In addition to 240Hz native refresh rate and 1ms response time, the ViewSonic XG2530 esports monitor features: 1. 5 levels of response time: renders action sequences with stunning visual clarity, free of ghosting and smearing. 2. 22-levels Black Stabilization: provides heightened visibility by independently manipulating the brightness scale of dark scenes. 3. ColorX mode: a color and performance tuned preset with vastly improved in-game vision. 4. ViewScale: allows to change the monitor view to suit your liking. 5. Hertz Cap: match the herts output of the game. Follow ViewSonic Gaming: Facebook: http://ift.tt/2mdtaeW Twitter: https://twitter.com/viewsonicgaming Website: http://ift.tt/2tEByKB
by ViewSonicVideo via Endless Supplies .De - Brands