Mit dem neuen Sennheiser Ambeo Smart Headset erlebst du eine ganz neue Form der 3D Sound Technologie – aber wie funktioniert das Ganze überhaupt? In diesem Tutorial erklären wir dir, wie du alle Features und Funktionen des Ambeo Smart Headset optimal nutzen kannst! For more information, visit Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Subscribe to our newsletter and don’t miss special offers, discounts and news about the Future of Audio: Or follow Sennheiser on Facebook & Instagram: Discover the Future of Audio and see more Sennheiser videos here: What's your MOMENTUM? The Future of Audio Headphones & Sound Equipment Microphones & Recording Sennheiser – The Future of Audio! Sennheiser’s mission is to develop era-defining audio solutions. Be it headphones, microphones or integrated sound systems – with German engineering, decades of experience, and innovative science Sennheiser creates unsurpassed audio experiences that push the boundaries of today's technologies. Follow Sennheiser’s vision and discover audio solutions that challenge the status quo whilst offering profound new ways of experiencing integrated sound systems as well as pioneering headphones, microphones or headsets!
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Freitag, 25. Mai 2018
Ambeo Smart Headset: How To (DE) | Sennheiser
Mit dem neuen Sennheiser Ambeo Smart Headset erlebst du eine ganz neue Form der 3D Sound Technologie – aber wie funktioniert das Ganze überhaupt? In diesem Tutorial erklären wir dir, wie du alle Features und Funktionen des Ambeo Smart Headset optimal nutzen kannst! For more information, visit Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Subscribe to our newsletter and don’t miss special offers, discounts and news about the Future of Audio: Or follow Sennheiser on Facebook & Instagram: Discover the Future of Audio and see more Sennheiser videos here: What's your MOMENTUM? The Future of Audio Headphones & Sound Equipment Microphones & Recording Sennheiser – The Future of Audio! Sennheiser’s mission is to develop era-defining audio solutions. Be it headphones, microphones or integrated sound systems – with German engineering, decades of experience, and innovative science Sennheiser creates unsurpassed audio experiences that push the boundaries of today's technologies. Follow Sennheiser’s vision and discover audio solutions that challenge the status quo whilst offering profound new ways of experiencing integrated sound systems as well as pioneering headphones, microphones or headsets!
Ambeo Smart Headset: How To (EN) | Sennheiser
The new Sennheiser Ambeo Smart Headset will have you experience stunning 3D sound technology – but how does it really work? Check out this tutorial of the Ambeo Smart Headset to benefit from all the canny audio features encased in a cutting-edge design! For more information, visit Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Subscribe to our newsletter and don’t miss special offers, discounts and news about the Future of Audio: Or follow Sennheiser on Facebook & Instagram: Discover the Future of Audio and see more Sennheiser videos here: What's your MOMENTUM? The Future of Audio Headphones & Sound Equipment Microphones & Recording Sennheiser – The Future of Audio! Sennheiser’s mission is to develop era-defining audio solutions. Be it headphones, microphones or integrated sound systems – with German engineering, decades of experience, and innovative science Sennheiser creates unsurpassed audio experiences that push the boundaries of today's technologies. Follow Sennheiser’s vision and discover audio solutions that challenge the status quo whilst offering profound new ways of experiencing integrated sound systems as well as pioneering headphones, microphones or headsets!
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