Freitag, 11. August 2017

Food Scientist Envisions A Future Where “Super Nutritious Pizza” Exists

Sure, you may try to claim that “pizza is a vegetable” or that it’s healthy because you put some broccoli on top. Yes, we’re just fooling ourselves — but if one food scientist has his way, we could all be eating truly nutritious pizza in the future.

Over at Abbott Laboratories — the company behind products like Ensure meal replacement shakes and baby formula — the company’s director of user experience and research and development is working on “therapeutic nutrition,” reports Business Insider.

What does that mean, exactly? It’s any kind of food people eat for medical reasons, like if they’re lacking certain nutrients. And if you could get health benefits from “super nutritious pizza” instead of traditional offerings like kale or a protein shake, that could encourage people to eat healthier, says Dan Schmitz of Abbott.

“Flavor always wins,” he told BI.

It’s not easy to pack a lot of nutrients into food and have it taste good, however which is why most therapeutic food comes in the form of shakes and energy bars, and not pizza.

Schmitz’s team is trying to tackle this problem and find ways to encourage people eat to healthier food, by making nutrient-rich items that actually taste good.

by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

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