Have you ever wondered how much food your stomach can hold? Turns out, it’s not a simple answer. Also, your brain and stomach are ALWAYS talking. -- Video By Tom McNamara Editor Jason Lederman Based On Interviews With David Levinthal, MD Director, Neurogastroenterology and Motility Center University Of Pittsburgh Medical Center Tamas Ordog, MD Director, Gastroenterology Research Unit Mayo Clinic Ali Rezaie, MD, MSc, FRCPC Director, GI Motility Program Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Media Alien (1979) 20th Century Fox Thanks Claire Maldarelli, PopSci Assistant Editor -- FOLLOW POPULAR SCIENCE https://www.popsci.com Facebook: http://ift.tt/1mDk8YO Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/popsci Instagram: http://ift.tt/2ieE7iU Snapchat: http://ift.tt/2fSZV2X Pinterest: http://ift.tt/2idLrLJ
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