A new naked mole rat mystery has been found: a genetic mutation only mole rats and humans have. Naked mole rat research could have profound implications for human health (like living longer and treating cancer). In Popular Science's latest intellectual odyssey, we explore the insights the eusocial animal can offer into autism, schizophrenia, epilepsy, and other neurological issues. A new naked mole rat mystery has been found: a genetic mutation only mole rats and humans share. And, it has the potential to someday solve autism, epilepsy, and schizophrenia. VIDEO BY : Tom McNamara ANIMATION : Jason Drakeford MAGICIAN : Erin Chapman ONLINE DIRECTOR : Amy Schellenbaum EDITOR-IN-CHIEF : Joe Brown #molerat #nakedmolerat #autism #epilepsy #schizophrenia #baby #infant #science #brain #biology #seizure #popularscience #popsci #research #new #groundbreaking #mystery #mysteries #sciencemysteries #kidscience #kidsci #animation #animals #weird #weirdanimal #weirdanimals #health #infanthealth #eusocial #gueenmolerat #nakedmoleratqueen #Heterocephalusglaber #cancer #DanMcCloskey #McCloskeyLab #CUNY #StatenIsland #rodents #unusal #genes #Carbondioxide #oxygen
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Mittwoch, 27. März 2019
Can naked mole rats solve autism, epilepsy, and schizophrenia? || EXPERIMENTALS: Moles (part 1)
A new naked mole rat mystery has been found: a genetic mutation only mole rats and humans have. Naked mole rat research could have profound implications for human health (like living longer and treating cancer). In Popular Science's latest intellectual odyssey, we explore the insights the eusocial animal can offer into autism, schizophrenia, epilepsy, and other neurological issues. A new naked mole rat mystery has been found: a genetic mutation only mole rats and humans share. And, it has the potential to someday solve autism, epilepsy, and schizophrenia. VIDEO BY : Tom McNamara ANIMATION : Jason Drakeford MAGICIAN : Erin Chapman ONLINE DIRECTOR : Amy Schellenbaum EDITOR-IN-CHIEF : Joe Brown #molerat #nakedmolerat #autism #epilepsy #schizophrenia #baby #infant #science #brain #biology #seizure #popularscience #popsci #research #new #groundbreaking #mystery #mysteries #sciencemysteries #kidscience #kidsci #animation #animals #weird #weirdanimal #weirdanimals #health #infanthealth #eusocial #gueenmolerat #nakedmoleratqueen #Heterocephalusglaber #cancer #DanMcCloskey #McCloskeyLab #CUNY #StatenIsland #rodents #unusal #genes #Carbondioxide #oxygen
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