Dienstag, 30. April 2019

Cisco Security HOWTO: Threat Hunting

Cisco is making security simpler and more effective. Outsmart emerging threats in your digital business with industry-leading machine learning and behavioral modeling. Know who is on the network and what they are doing using telemetry from your network infrastructure. Detect advanced threats and respond to them quickly. Protect critical data with smarter network segmentation. And do it all with a solution that grows with your business. In this installment of Cisco Security HOWTO, Jonathan Stevenson shows us how to hunt for, set alerts on, and resolve, insecure TLS connections using Cisco Stealthwatch. To learn more, visit http://cs.co/6050EgGFK http://bit.ly/2INi7rK Cisco April 30, 2019 at 11:02AM

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